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Jana Pelikánová
Jana Pelikánová
Age: 43 years old
Doučování angličtiny příjemnou formou, s důrazem na praktické využití AJ v praxi a s individuálním přístupem ke každému žákovi. Jsem zkušená lektorka (11 let praxe), držitelka certifikátu FCE a také jsem pobývala 1,5 roku ve Velké Británii. Mám mnoho spokojených žáků. Angličtina je moje vášeň a mám svůj specifický a efektivní styl výuky. Z mých lekcí jde cítit, že mě to baví. Poskytuji i materiály.
  • Colleges from November 2016
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice12 years
Languages can teach
FCE (first certificate in English).
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 480 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Alexander Emeliyanov
Alexander Emeliyanov
Age: 63 years old
Ruština pro vsechny úrovne pokročilosti od úplných začátečníku do pokročilých. Efektivní doučování ruského jazyka nejen pro začátečníky, ale i pro ty z Vás, kteří si chtějí své znalosti zdokonalit, či pro pokročilé, kteří potřebují ruský jazyk ve své praxi. Možnost konverzace na libovolná témata. Příprava ke zkouškám na SŠ a VŠ, příprava k maturitě, příprava k cestě do rusky mluvících zemí. Možnost výuky formou konverzace či také po Skypeu.
  • Colleges from December 2016
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice38 years
Russian, Czech
Languages can teach
český, ruský
Tomská státní univerzita, biologická, učitel biologii a chemie.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
čeština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Jana Grollová
Jana Grollová
Age: 47 years old
absolvent Masarykovy univerzity v Brně, obor Historie-Pedagogika, zaměstnavatel Katedra historie FF Ostravské univerzity
  • Colleges from February 2017
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice21 years
Philosophy, Pedagogics, History
Languages can teach
vysokoškolské, Filosofická, historický ústav, filosofie, dějiny, pedagogika.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home ()
Prices from:
Pedagogika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Filozofie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějepis: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Varvara Ponomareva
Varvara Ponomareva
Age: 36 years old
Zdravím! Jmenuji se Varvara. Ruštinu učím 14 let, češtinu pro cizince 10 let, z toho 6 let na Univerzitě Karlově. Můžu vás naučit pražskému slangu anebo připravit ke zkoušce pro trvalý pobyt (A2) nebo občanství (B1). Čeština je lahůdka, poďme ji společně ochutnat! Mozek je taky sval. Jak trénujeme tělo, tak můžeme trénovat i mozek. Výuku beru jako tandem mezi trenérem a žákem. Jako vystudovaná bohemistka ráda vypravuji studentům o bouřlivých dějinách českého jazyka. Při výuce kombinuji svoje materiály (gramatické) s učebnicemi, cvičebnicemi a videi. Při konverzaci opravuji gramatiku a výslovnost, aniž bych studenty přerušovala. Vždy zadávám domácí úkol, který kontroluju doma. Učím pouze dospělé, ale všechny úrovně (A1-C1). Pocházím z rodiny moskevských intelektuálů. V současné době na ÚČJTK FF UK dopisuji disertaci na téma, jak učit cizince na základě homonymie koncovek. Jsem členkou Jazykovědného sdružení ČR a American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages. Tlumočila jsem na XXII. zimních olympijských hrách v Soči.
  • Colleges from June 2017
  • Applied: 52 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
Ruština, čeština, angličtina
Mgr. (Univerzita Karlova), Filozofická, Bohemistika, Čeština pro cizince.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
čeština online: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Čeština pro cizince online: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština online: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština offline: 1000 CZK. / 60 min.
Český offline: 1000 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Maria Malinskaya
Maria Malinskaya
Age: 34 years old
2012-2016 - Moscow school "Intellectual", 2015-2017 - Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Philological Faculty, the School of Linguistics. I´ve been working with children, teenagers (10-18 y.o.) and adults teaching Spanish, culture of Spanish Speaking Countries, close reading and discussions. I´ve also written a book called "Ispansky bez repetitora"
  • Colleges from September 2017
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Languages can teach
Spanish, Russian, English
Moscow State University (MSU), Philological faculty, Spanish, Foreign literature.
University of Monterrey, Mexico, Humanities .
Cervantes Institute, Moscow, Course for Spanish Teachers .
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home ()
Prices from:
španělština: 650 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Vladimir Gerber
Vladimir Gerber
Age: 51 years old
Učím taky češtinu pro cizince
  • Colleges from January 2018
  • Applied: 59 student(s)
  • Years of practice29 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, angličtina, ruština
Vysokoškolské, Germánská filologie, Lektor cicich jazyku.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Angliyskiy: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Russkiy: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
CHeshskiy: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Olga Aslanova
Olga Aslanova
Age: 48 years old
némecky aktivní znalost slovem i písmem
  • Colleges from January 2018
  • Applied: 23 student(s)
  • Years of practice26 years
Languages can teach
Profesorka nemčiny, Socialní pedagog po povolaní „ Filologie“.
Astrachansky statní pedagogicky univerzita, Rusko.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Eduard Karapetyan
Eduard Karapetyan
Age: 42 years old
Individuální výuka matematiky a fyziky. Příprava k přijímacím zkouškám v gymnázia, střední školy a vysoké školy.
  • Colleges from February 2018
  • Applied: 48 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
Physics, Mathematics, Informatics
Languages can teach
RJ (česká terminologie)
Státní univerzita Jerevan, fakulta fyziky, jaderná fyzika.
Vysoká škola finanční a správní, z.ú., ekonomika, marketingová komunikace.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Informatika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Nabil Daghbouj
Nabil Daghbouj
Age: 38 years old
Doctor in science Physics and i'm working a researcher in Nuclear faculty in Prague, Willing to teach students in high and secondary school or in university maths, Physics, chimestry in Frensh or english language.
  • Colleges from July 2018
  • Applied: 27 student(s)
  • Years of practice11 years
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics
Languages can teach
French, English
Doctor , Paul Sabatier University Toulouse FRANCE, Science Physics.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Chemistry: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Physics: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Mathematics: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Iryna Romanko
Iryna Romanko
Age: 46 years old
Nabízím výuku angličtiny a češtiny pro ukrajinské a ruské studenty
  • Colleges from August 2018
  • Applied: 85 student(s)
  • Years of practice24 years
Czech, English
Languages can teach
angličtina, čeština
Vysokoskolska Profesorka, cizi jazyky, Pedagogicka, cizi jazyky, anglictina .
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Vladimir Lâsac
Vladimir Lâsac
Age: 30 years old
Dobrý den, nabízím doučování češtiny. Příprava na zkoušku pro trvalý pobyt, přijímací zkoušky do gymnázia či na univerzitu, A1—C2, nostrifikace, praktický kurz, atd. Jsem autorem česko-ukrajinsko-ruského slovníka, učebnic, cvičebnic, knih a mnoha dalších publikací z českého jazyka. Autorské vzdělávací materiály publikuji rovněž v sociálních sítích.
  • Colleges from September 2018
  • Applied: 30 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, angličtina, ukrajinština, italština
VŠCHT, FPBT, technologie potravin .
VŠCHT, FTOP, Technologie ochrany životního prostředí.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 800 CZK. / 60 min.
čeština online: 800 CZK. / 60 min.
ukrajinština: 800 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Rimma  Tungusova
Rimma Tungusova
Age: 59 years old
Teach English Russian and Ukraiinian speakers in Chechia and all over the world.
  • Colleges from September 2018
  • Applied: 11 student(s)
  • Years of practice39 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
English ,Russian
High educated, Foreign language , English.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Diana Patapeika
Diana Patapeika
Age: 31 years old
Ruska rodilá mluvčí. Doucovani rustiny pro zaky strednich a vysokych skol, rustina od azbuky do konverzace pro podnikatele a dalsi zajemce.
  • Colleges from September 2018
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština
College of Arts. I.O.Akhremchik, Fine arts (Painting), Teacher of painting.
Belarusian State Academy of Arts, Design and Graphic Art , Graphic design.
University of West Bohemia, Illustration and Graphic Art, Graphic design.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Emeliyanova Tatiana
Emeliyanova Tatiana
Age: 63 years old
English and Russian teacher
  • Colleges from October 2018
  • Applied: 15 student(s)
  • Years of practice41 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
Russian, English
Diploma in Pedagogy and Foreign Languages, English and Russian.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Valeriia Ivanchenko
Valeriia Ivanchenko
Age: 29 years old
Jmenuji se Lera a jsem učitelkou zpěvu a hry na klavír. Vystudovala jsem Hudební učiliště Čajkovského (město Jekatěrinburg) a Pražskou konzervatoř. Zpívám v různých pražských projektech. Mám dlouholeté zkušenosti s dětmi a dospělými, vždy se spoléhám na osobní cíle a preference studenta, snažím se, aby lekce byly co nejjednodušší a produktivní. Učím jak v ruštině, tak v Češtině
  • Colleges from October 2018
  • Applied: 95 student(s)
  • Years of practice9 years
Music (singing), Music (piano)
Languages can teach
ruský český
Hudební učiliště Čajkovského, Klasický zpěv, Umělec-zpěvák, pedagog.
Pražská konzervatoř, Klasický zpěv, zpěvák, pedagog.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Hudba (zpěv): 500 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (piano): 400 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sascha Bobrink
Sascha Bobrink
Age: 45 years old
My name is Sascha Bobrink. I am German native and teach German language since 2014. A1-C2 courses. Exam preparation. Writing and conversational exercises. Grammar. Vocabulary. Reading practice.I helped teaching German and passing their exam to various adults and children's from different countrys. I have education in Psychology. I'm available from Monday to Sunday. The schedule is flexible. We can organize the lessons through Skype, Viber,Whatsapp or Google Meet. PDF Books and Audio Material is available. Included in the price . Looking forward to hear from you soon. Sascha Меня зовут Саша Бобринк. Я носитель немецкого языка и преподаю немецкий язык с 2014 года. Курсы A1-C2. Подготовка к экзамену. Письменные и разговорные упражнения. Грамматика. Словарный запас. Практика чтения. Помогала преподавать немецкий язык и сдавать экзамены взрослым и детям из разных стран. Имею образование в области психологии. Я доступен с понедельника по воскресенье. График гибкий. Мы можем организовать уроки через Skype, Viber, WhatsApp или Google Meet. Доступны PDF-книги и аудиоматериалы. Включено в стоимость. Будем рады услышать от вас скоро. Саша
  • Colleges from October 2018
  • Applied: 8 student(s)
  • Years of practice12 years
Languages can teach
German,English, Russian
Psychology , SGD Darmstadt , Psychology .
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
German: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Carlo Rubiolo
Carlo Rubiolo
Age: 42 years old
I'm a teacher here in Praha. I teach math and Italian in Thrula Gymnasium. WE CAN HAVE ITALIAN LESSONS/PRACTICE VIA ZOOM (or other..)
  • Colleges from October 2018
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Languages can teach
University, Geologia, Earth science.
Univeristy, Torino, Italian.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
italština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Italian speaking: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Tatsiana Bychkova
Tatsiana Bychkova
Age: 53 years old
Výuka ruského jazyka na profesionální úrovni. Jednoduché, rychlé, snadné. 20 let pracovní zkušenosti ve škole (rodilý mluvčí). Pro začátečníky a lidi, kteří pokračují učení (doučovani). Obuchenie russkomu yaziku na professionalnom urovne. Prosto, bistro, legko. 20-letniy opit raboti v shkole (nositel yazika). Dlya nachinayuschih i lyudey, kotorie prodoljayut obuchenie.
  • Colleges from December 2018
  • Applied: 9 student(s)
  • Years of practice29 years
Languages can teach
Vysokoškolské, Běloruská státní univerzita, Minsk, Filologie - filolog, učitel ruského jazyka a literatury.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Elmira Shafigina
Elmira Shafigina
Age: 36 years old
Nabízím výuku v následujících oblastech: • Testy SCIO ZSV a OSP. • historie, sociologie, politická věda a právo • nostrifikace ZSV, historie a geografie Pracuji v České republice od roku 2013
  • Colleges from December 2018
  • Applied: 49 student(s)
  • Years of practice11 years
History, TSP,OSP, SCIO tests, Russian
Languages can teach
Ruský jazyk
Jižní Uralská státní univerzita, Právnická fakulta, občanského práva.
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, veřejná správa.
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, politické vědy.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Filozofie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
TSP,OSP, SCIO zkoušky: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějepis: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Úvodní strana: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Istoriya: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Filosofiya: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Tomáš Hronek
Tomáš Hronek
Age: 32 years old
Uvolni svůj hlas a otevři se novým obzorům. Zpívej, mluv a přemýšlej s absolutní lehkostí a profesionalitou. Oproti většině se věnuji propojení těla, mysli a hlasu do jednoho. Vše totiž na sebe navazuje a plně se ovlivňuje, což málo lidí ví a aplikuje. Má to však zásadní a nezaměnitelné výsledky pro Vás a váš hlas. Jsem zpěvák a hlasový kouč, který se věnuje učení a koučinku 6 let. Studoval jsem na pražské konzervatoři - Pop zpěv a na konzervatoři Jaroslava Ježka - Muzikál. Mé rady a písně poslouchá přes 10 000 lidí na sociálních sítích. Najdeš mě tam pod: zpevak.producent
  • Colleges from December 2018
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Music (more), Music (singing)
Languages can teach
Pražská konzervatoř, Pop Zpěv.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At home (Hradec Králové, Třebeš)
Prices from:
Hudba (zpěv): 1200 CZK. / 45 min.
Skládání hudby a písní/ Songwriting: 1200 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (více): 1200 CZK. / 45 min.
Hradec Kralove
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Taylor Kucera
Taylor Kucera
Age: 36 years old
Greetings! I'm Taylor, an experienced ESL language instructor from the United States with fluency in Czech. I am dedicated to helping individuals of all ages enhance their English communication skills. With years of experience teaching both children and adults abroad, I specialize in conversation-based lessons that focus on practical communication and real-life language use. In addition to improving English proficiency, I have a proven track record in preparing students for language certification exams. My background includes a business degree in Business Relations and extensive experience working and living abroad, which enriches my teaching with a global perspective. Whether you’re looking to boost your conversational skills, prepare for exams, or navigate English in a professional setting, I’m here to support your language learning journey. Feel free to reach out, and let’s achieve your language goals together!
  • Colleges from January 2019
  • Applied: 13 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
Languages can teach
BSBA, Suffolk University, Business Management.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Eva Stryczková
Eva Stryczková
Age: 54 years old
Dlouholetá zkušenost s individuální výukou, i firemní výukou, možnost též po skypu.
  • Colleges from January 2019
  • Years of practice29 years
Languages can teach
Gymnazium, Vyšší odborná škola, Státní jazyková škola.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At home ()
Prices from:
italština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Wamiq Syed
Wamiq Syed
Age: 31 years old
Mechatronics Engineer with 6 years of tutoring experience of Math and Physics
  • Colleges from January 2019
  • Applied: 8 student(s)
  • Years of practice13 years
Mathematics, Physics
Languages can teach
Bachelor, Engineering, Mechatronics.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Fyzika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Matematika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Mustafa Saad
Mustafa Saad
Age: 30 years old
Currently, I am an international student at Charles university first faculty of medicine, second-year. I have tutored students and my peers in several chemistry fields. I am passionate about improving students levels, especially whom they are not interested in chemistry or won't give it a chance. I think I'm a patient person who can fit this challenge.
  • Colleges from February 2019
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
American University of Beirut , Faculty of Art and Science , chemistry degree.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Chemie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemistry : 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
hussain khodadadi
hussain khodadadi
Age: 40 years old
Ja jsem studoval na CVUT elektroniku a mam dobry znalost z matematiku. Muj matersky jazyk je persky a mluvim v cestine dobre.
  • Colleges from February 2019
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Persian, Mathematics
Languages can teach
Cestina, Anglistina
Vysoka skola, Elektrotechnika fakulta, Elektronika.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Perština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
I can definetely recommend this teacher and in the end I was happy with the results of our sessions
Nataliya Kalashnikova
Nataliya Kalashnikova
Age: 33 years old
Hledáte pomoc s biologií? S radostí Vám pomůžu! Doučovat mě baví a ochotně se přizpůsobím Vašim časovým možnostem i místu doučování. Pomogu s biologiey, bud to postuplenie na medicinskie specialnosti ili nostrifikaciya. K kajdomu ucheniku ischu podhod, ved kto to lyubit shemi, a komu to bolshe nravitsya chitat.
  • Colleges from February 2019
  • Applied: 19 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Languages can teach
Angličtina, ruština, čeština
Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Clinical Psychology, Clinical psychologist .
Charles University (UK), Third Faculty of Medicine, Medicine.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Biologie: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Gallina Alb
Gallina Alb
Age: 43 years old
lekce klaviru, vystudoval klavír na pedagogické univerzitě a hudební fakultě, prace se studenty od 5 let prace s dospělými, zkušeností nad 18 let, individuální lekce dle možnosti, také dávat solfeggio a vokální lekce, také lekce hudby v různých stylech
  • Colleges from March 2019
  • Applied: 26 student(s)
  • Years of practice28 years
Music (more), Music (piano), Music (singing)
Languages can teach
Ukraїnska , rosіyska, ceština
Bachelor's Degree, Musical Art, Fortepiano.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Hudba (zpěv): 400 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (piano): 400 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (více): 400 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Nancy Castrogiovanni
Nancy Castrogiovanni
Age: 42 years old
I am a native Italian speaker, holding a Master degree in English literature, founder of the Italian Society Sunderland (UK), and with more than 9 years experience in teaching Italian language and Italian history and culture to adults and children in primary and secondary schools in the UK. I often also tutored College and University students during their researches for final exams, and I helped many students to structure and reference properly their Bachelor degree thesis.  I love my native language (Italian), and I am very passionate about the art, history, culture of Italy, and Italian cuisine, so that for the past 6 years I also organised a variety of events, workshops, and presentations for both groups and individuals that were interested in one or more of those subjects, or that simply wished to learn Italian while adding a bit of fun to it! Lessons can be costumised based on your needs and/or interests! So, if you are:  • a student wishing for help with your research or exam or preparing for your Erasmus in Italy • a business person or group that needs Italian to communicate in the world of work • a school interested to offer Italian to children or young adults for extracurricular activities • or you just wish your child to begin learning this extremely beautiful and useful language I AM HERE TO HELP YOU!!!
  • Colleges from September 2019
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice15 years
Languages can teach
Master Degree, University of Sunderland, English Literature.
BA (Hons), University of Sunderland, Fine Art.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
italština: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Xavier Roulan
Xavier Roulan
Age: 51 years old
French who live in Prag for 7 years ; i can help how to improve your french . Bonne journée !
  • Colleges from September 2019
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Languages can teach
Native language and graduate in communication and sales, Native language, Native language.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Francouzský Praha . the first session is for mini 60 mn then 120 mn : 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Francouzsky Praha 120 mn minimum: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
No Name
No Name
Age: 34 years old
  • Colleges from October 2019
  • Years of practice12 years
Languages can teach
English, Spanish
Bachelor, Economics and Management, Economics and Management.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
španělština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
španělština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Julianna Romanova
Julianna Romanova
Age: 34 years old
I am a professional artist,working in Narodni Divadlo.
  • Colleges from October 2019
  • Applied: 16 student(s)
  • Years of practice12 years
Music (more), Music (piano), Music (singing), Speech therapist, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Saint Petersburg State University, History, art historian.
Moscow State Conservatory, Vocal, solo singing.
Theatrical Academy of Performing Arts, Acting, musical theatre artist.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Logoped: 900 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (zpěv): 900 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (piano): 900 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (více): 900 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Stasy Stetsiy
Stasy Stetsiy
Age: 29 years old
Nabízím soukromé lekce českého jazyka pro cizince. Společně se zaměříme na gramatiku a především na konverzaci, která je klíčovou součástí učení. Mám bohaté zkušenosti s výukou v jazykové škole a moje čeština je na úrovni rodilého mluvčího. Ke každému studentovi přistupuji individuálně a nabízím zábavnou a srozumitelnou formu výuky. Ať už se chcete učit česky pro sebe, připravujete se na zkoušku z trvalého pobytu, nebo si jen chcete procvičit konverzaci, Predlagayu chastnie uroki cheshskogo yazika dlya inostrancev. Vmeste mi budem izuchat grammatiku i osobenno udelim vnimanie razgovornoy praktike, kotoraya yavlyaetsya klyuchevoy chastyu obucheniya. U menya bogatiy opit prepodavaniya v yazikovoy shkole, a moy cheshskiy yazik na urovne nositelya. YA podhoju k kajdomu studentu individualno i predlagayu veseluyu i ponyatnuyu formu obucheniya. Esli vi hotite uchit cheshskiy yazik dlya sebya, gotovites k ekzamenu na postoyannoe mesto jitelstva ili prosto hotite uluchshit razgovornie naviki, ya zdes, chtobi pomoch. S neterpeniem jdu vas! Stasy
  • Colleges from October 2019
  • Applied: 8 student(s)
  • Years of practice11 years
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, ukrajinština
Akademie Michael, Filmová tvorba.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Rétorika: 800 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Aleksandr Melikov
Aleksandr Melikov
Age: 26 years old
Nabízím hodiny z chemie, biologie a taky češtiny! Výuka může probíhat v češtině, ruštině nebo v angličtině. Především připravuji k přijímacím zkouškám na VŠ, nostrifikačním zkouškám, ale i k jiným (například na střední škole nebo i na vysoké, záleží na předmětu).
  • Colleges from October 2019
  • Applied: 40 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Czech, Biology, Chemistry
Languages can teach
čeština, ruština
Univerzita Karlova, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Molekulární biologie a biochemie organismů (Bc., ukonšené).
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Ksenia Zingfeld
Ksenia Zingfeld
Age: 37 years old
Ahoj! Jsem Xeňa a učím češtinu jako druhý jazyk. Preferuji komunikativní metodu a používám jak klasické učebnice, tak i vlastní podklady, které vytvářím zvlášť podle potřeb každého žáka. Navíc jsem bilingvní, takže vám nehrozí, že něco nepochopíte, a zároveň získáte zkušenosti s rodilou mluvčí. Naučíte se mluvit a používat češtinu ve svém každodenním životě, v práci a během studií. Pracuji se žáky ve věku 15-99 let. Slevy pro skupiny. Výuka probíhá online přes Zoom mezi 9:00 a 17:00. Nabízím také hodiny ruské konverzace pro ty, kdo již má nějaké základy a potřebuje praxi. Tématům se meze nekladou, můžeme probírat jak každodenní život, tak i otázky filozofie či vědy. Rozšíříte svou slovní zásobu, naučíte se moderní jazyk a přestanete se bát mluvit. Privet! Menya zovut Ksenya i ya prepodayu cheshskiy kak inostranniy. Predpochitayu kommunikativniy metod i ispolzuyu kak tradicionnie uchebniki, tak i sobstvennie narabotki, kotorie ya sozdayu individualno pod potrebnosti kajdogo klienta. Bolee togo, ya bilingv, poetomu mi vsegda poymem drug druga, i vi poluchite opit obscheniya s nositelem yazika. Vi nauchites govorit i ispolzovat cheshskiy yazik v povsednevnoy jizni, na rabote i dlya uchebi. YA rabotayu s uchenikami v vozraste 15-99 let. Skidki dlya grupp. Zanyatiya prohodyat onlayn v Zoom s 9:00 do 17:00.
  • Colleges from November 2019
  • Applied: 12 student(s)
  • Years of practice13 years
Languages can teach
Ruština, čeština
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, Filologie.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Olha Tynytska
Olha Tynytska
Age: 32 years old
Dobry den, jmenuji se Olga a jsem učitelka předmětu Dějiny Umění a Dějiny Evropské Kultury. Mam dva vysokoškolské vzdělání z oboru "Dějiny umění". Mam velkou zkušenost z pomocí se vstupem na kreativně univerzity (včetně Univerzity Univerzity). Budu rada novým studentům :-)
  • Colleges from November 2019
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
History of Europen Culture, History of Art
Languages can teach
Vysoká Škola (Charkovska Narodní Akademie Designu a Uměni), Filozofická Fakulta, Dějiny umění.
Vysoká Škola (Univerzita Karlova), Katolicka Teologická Fakulta, Dějiny křesťanského umění.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Dějiny umění: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějiny evropské kultury: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Anahita Vasudev
Anahita Vasudev
Age: 27 years old
I'm a medical doctor, graduated from the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles univesity, Prague. My high school education is an IB diploma where my high level subjects were biology, chemistry and economics. I've been tutoring for 7 years. Mostly for IGCSE, A levels, IB and help out in medschool entrance exam preparation. Hoping to hear from you soon :)
  • Colleges from November 2019
  • Applied: 23 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Chemistry, Biology
Languages can teach
IB diploma.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Zlata Soloviova
Zlata Soloviova
Age: 53 years old
Nabizim vyuku matemetiky. Pripravuju k nostrifikaci z matematiky a zkoušky na univerzitu. Pracuji se studenty vysši matematiky. 20 let jsem pracovala jako ucitel vysši matematiky na technicke univerzite
  • Colleges from November 2019
  • Applied: 38 student(s)
  • Years of practice29 years
Languages can teach
ruština, ukrajinský, česka terminologia
Doneckij nacionalni univerzite, matematik, učitel.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Anisiia Tománek
Anisiia Tománek
Age: 42 years old
  • Colleges from December 2019
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home ()
Prices from:
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
David Clifft
David Clifft
Age: 28 years old
Hi! Thanks for visiting my profile. I am a native speaker from Cambridge, UK. I have been living in Prague for a year, and I have been teaching English for 3 years. I am TEFL certified, and have experience with learners of all levels. I can help you with grammar, pronunciation, conversation, writing, and understanding. I create individualised lesson plans which are tailored to the student's individual needs. I look forward to our first lesson!
  • Colleges from December 2019
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Philosophy, English, Music (piano), Music (violin)
Languages can teach
University of Leeds, Philosophy , Philosophy and Music.
TEFL, Teaching English as Foreign Language.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Filozofie: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (piano): 650 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (housle): 650 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Archana Pandit
Archana Pandit
Age: 53 years old
Hello, my name is Archana and I am an educator. I teach both French and English I hold a BA with specialization in French and linguistics and a BA Honors degree in modern foreign languages and literature, inclusive of a Diploma in French and a TEAL Certificate I have taught in the University, International schools both In Kenya and Tanzania doing Cambridge curriculum and Montessori . I have also taught in Alliance francaise whereby I have introduced and developed French. I have worked with a wide range of age groups. I love, enjoy and I am passionate towards teaching a modern foreign language and English. It is my desire as an educator to help students to meet their fullest potential in their area of study of modern foreign language and English.. Many Thanks and looking forward to cooperate and hear from you.
  • Colleges from January 2020
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice4 years
English, French
Languages can teach
French, English
BA with specialization in french and linguistics. BA hons degree in Modern foreign languages and literature. Diploma in French.TEAL teaching English as a language , Languages , French, English and linguistics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At home ()
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Francouzský: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Zuzana Bohdalová
Zuzana Bohdalová
Age: 57 years old
Vyučuji pouze přes Skype
  • Colleges from February 2020
  • Applied: 41 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Languages can teach
český jazyk pro cizince přes ruský nebo anglický jazyk
Gymnázium + Jazyková škola, Přerov , jazyky.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český jazyk: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Yass Moust
Yass Moust
Age: 54 years old
I guarantee a high quality of teaching German language in all levels from any books, native level. Explanation will be in English. Times of lessons must be agreed please as the possibility of my time and your time, flexible.
  • Colleges from February 2020
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice17 years
Languages can teach
German Language as a foreign language, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, PNDS.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Daria Mamaeva
Daria Mamaeva
Age: 29 years old
I have Master's Degree in English Language and Literature. My Bachelor's degree is in Teaching English and German. I'm very glad to help you with English (or Russian, if necessary). We can discuss any topics you are interested in and communicate a lot during the lesson, and, of course, if you need these languages for some academic purposes - it's not a problem at all, the lessons always have a certain structure and systematization, 'cause any language is a system, in particular, and we can work on all 4 basic skills: writing, speaking, reading and listening.
  • Colleges from February 2020
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
English, Russian
Bachelor's Degree, Vjatska statni univerzita se sidlem v Ruske Federaci, Kirov, Faculty of Linguistics, Teacher of English.
Master's Degree (currently getting), Masarykova univerzita, Brno, Faculty of Arts, English Language and Literature.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 650 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Rimi Tomar
Rimi Tomar
Age: 30 years old
I am doing my PhD in a field that combines mathematics and neuroscience at the Academy of Sciences, in Prague. Partially enrolled with the Charles university. I have a a Master's degree in Mathematics from IIT Madras and a bachelor's degree in Mathematics (Hons) from Miranda House. Additionally I have been employed under the National Network of Mathematical and Computational Biology, International Center of Theoretical Sciences and the Czech Academy of Sciences for projects.
  • Colleges from March 2020
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
Languages can teach
English, Hindi
Miranda House , Department of Mathematics , Mathematics.
IIT Madras, Department of Mathematics, Mathematics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At the students
Prices from:
Matematika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Ihab Nazzal
Ihab Nazzal
Age: 37 years old
Funny & good teacher
  • Colleges from March 2020
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Arabian, English
Languages can teach
Bachelor Degree , Al Najah University , Business Administration .
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Arabština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Joseph Phiri
Joseph Phiri
Age: 36 years old
My greatest desire is to help my contempories acquire knowledge so as to realize their fullest potential, which will give them a sense of fulfillment. I am a supportive, social, outgoing, entrepreneur person with the zeal to see the best in my students as has always been the case for over 10 years. My greatest motivation is to help Developing Countries address their current wealth problem commonly known as, “THE PARADOX OF PLENTY”. I graduated with a Bachelor of Economics (HONOURS) from the University of Namibia and a Masters of Development Economics and Economic Growth at Marmara University. During my Graduate studies, I had the rare privilege to apply for and attend the International Summer School Training on APPLIED INDUSTRIAL POLICY offered by Istanbul Commerce University in collaboration with the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in September 2018 and also participated in the workshop on Entrepreneurship during the World Youth Forum Arab African Platform in March 2019. I also pursued a Professional certificate program on Public Financial Management offered by the International Monetary Fund in collaboration with Edx under the latters online education platform which I completed in June 2019. Under UNCTAD, I also completed their Virtual Online Course on Structural Transformation and Industrial Policy. Besides that, I also presented well as published in International conference proceedings which I attended including Journals. Currently, am pursuing a Ph.D. in Sectoral Economics and Economics of Enterprise at Czech University Of Life Sciences and also working as an Academic Instructor at The University of the People. My subject of interest include but not limited to Economics, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Development Economics. I can also also offer tutorials and guidance in research including teaching English which is my native language. I can tutor people of all ages and I enjoy it. Feel free to reach out to me and looking forward to educating and encouraging one another.
  • Colleges from March 2020
  • Applied: 11 student(s)
  • Years of practice13 years
Economy, English
Languages can teach
Ph.D. student at the Czech University of Life Sciences, Economics and Management Sciences, Sectoral Economics and Economics of Enterprise .
Masters of Arts (Economics), Marmara University Faculty of Social Sciences (Department of Economics), Masters of Arts Economics in Development Economics and Economic Growth.
Bachelor of Economics (HONOURS) , University of Namibia Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences (Department of Economics), ECONOMICS.
Specialized training in Industrial Policy and Stractural Transformation, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Division of Globalization and Development, Structural Transformation and Industrial Policy. .
Specialized training on Industrial Policy, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in collaboration with Instanbul Commerce University Center for Industrial Policy and Development, Applied Industrial Policy (& Beyond) Theory, Empirics, and Instruments for Effective Policy Design. .
Specialized online course on Public Finance Management by International Monetary Fund (IMF), IMF Institute of Capacity Development and Department of Fiscal Affairs, Public Financial Management.
High School O'Levels Certificate, David Kaunda National Technical High School. (Zambia), All O'Level subjects including English, Mathematics, Sciences, History, and Geography.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Ekonomie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Daniel Bastidas
Daniel Bastidas
Age: 30 years old
I am an extrovert, people-person who loves the interaction with others; creative, from generating ideas to solving problems. I keep myself active and motivated; I’ve been curious to discover my passion and professional field by doing marketing, education, volunteering, and human resources for the last 6 years. I have worked and also I am seeking to participate in international and multicultural environments.
  • Colleges from May 2020
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
Spanish, English
Languages can teach
Spanish & English
International Trade and Business, Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Marketing.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
španělština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kateřina Smoljar Sáňková
Kateřina Smoljar Sáňková
Age: 40 years old
Učím češtinu pro cizince již od roku 2008 a velmi me baví poznávat nové studenty.
  • Colleges from May 2020
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice16 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština
Vs , Filozoficka, Rusky jazyk se zaměřením na hospodarsko- právní a turistickou oblast .
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Mariia Frolova
Mariia Frolova
Age: 39 years old
Age 6+ . Level A1-B2. We can try a communicative course (General or business), just grammar or just convo specials or I can help with homework. The price differs depending on the location. My place/online - 350 czk, student's place - 400-500 czk
  • Colleges from June 2020
  • Applied: 17 student(s)
  • Years of practice23 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian, both possible also online
Pedagogical University , Foreign languages, English as a Foreign Language .
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Ahmet Dokuyucu
Ahmet Dokuyucu
Age: 52 years old
I provide tuition for A -Level Math, Further Math, IGCSE, and IB students in Prague, Czech Republic. I am a qualified Math teacher with extensive experience from several international schools in different countries. I have been teaching for 26 years and I have a proven track of successful students who managed to pass their exams.
  • Colleges from June 2020
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice30 years
Languages can teach
PhD, Doctorate, Mathematics Education, Mathematics.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 900 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Morteza Kerachian
Morteza Kerachian
Age: 37 years old
I have a PhD degree in theoretical physics at Charles University. I have been teaching physics and mathematics for more than 10 years. I am able to teach physics to high school and secondary school students as well as bachelor and master students. I can give lessons to all areas of Prague. I don't speak Czech and I only give lessons in English. Since my mother language is Persian, I can help anyone willing to learn Persian languages.
  • Colleges from June 2020
  • Applied: 13 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Persian, Physics, Mathematics
Languages can teach
Ph.D, Institute of theoretical physics, Charles University, theoretical physics.
Master of Science , Eastern Mediterranean University , theoretical physics.
Bachelor, IAUM, Physics.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 750 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 750 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Fouad Abouelfadl
Fouad Abouelfadl
Age: 50 years old
Hi my name is Fouad and I’m an online language teacher, I also have many different certificates to teach languages like Teach English Now from Arizona state university and I know the importance and the challenge of learning a new language, that's why I now teach English and other languages like Arabic, French and German and everyone can learn depends on their goal, studies, business, tourism ... etc. I have always enjoyed teaching others some language because I like to contribute, participate in the development of others' careers and offer confidence, enthusiasm, the motivation that can encourage anyone intending to reach their goal and so the language can open other horizons.
  • Colleges from June 2020
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice21 years
English, French, German, Arabian, Portuguese
Languages can teach
Arabic, French, English, German
Legal Sciences, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, Law.
Technology, Accounting Institute, Accounting.
Foreign Language, Goethe Institute, German.
Foreign Language, Arizona State University, English.
Foreign Language, University of Liege, French.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Francouzský: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Arabština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Portugalština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Pandit Prachi
Pandit Prachi
Age: 47 years old
Biochemistry, biology, molecular biology,cell biology. I am very enthusiastic, friendly and focused teacher.i have 13 years of teaching experience and my way is conversational and interactive.i can make difficult topics accessible by step vise explaination, making it simple by diagrammatic representation and by power point presentation and animations.
  • Colleges from July 2020
  • Years of practice16 years
Languages can teach
MSc biochemistry, MPhil environmental science..
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Ceske Budejovice
Olga Muller
Olga Muller
Age: 55 years old
Jsem rodilá mluvčí, mám vysokoškolské pavnické vzdělání. V roce 2016 jsem absolvovala rekvalifikační kurzy „Metodika vyučování ruštiny jako cizího jazyka“ na Moskevské státní univerzitě.
  • Colleges from July 2020
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
čeština, ruština
Vysoká škola, Irkutská statní univerzita, pravnická, pravnička.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Aidan Smyth
Aidan Smyth
Age: 64 years old
I have a specific focus on guiding students towards internationally recognised examinations including the Cambridge suite of English language exams (KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS), as well as preparation courses for English IGCSEs (both as a first and second language), TOEFL and TOEIC. As I am also a certified examiner for Cambridge Business Examinations, I am also very experienced in teaching Business English and can guide you toward obtaining the Cambridge B1 Business Preliminary, B2 Business Vantage and C1 Business Higher examinations.
  • Colleges from July 2020
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice41 years
Italian, English
Languages can teach
English and Italian
Master of Philosophy, Keele University, History.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
italština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Edi Normantaite
Edi Normantaite
Age: 35 years old
Něco o mně Jmenuji se Edi a jsem certifikovaná TEFL učitelka angličtiny s vice než 6ti letou mezinárodní praxí. Nabízím kurzy pro běžnou a byznys angličtinu. Co nabízím: * akademické standardy zaručují, že získáte optimálni skušenost s kurzy, které byli navrženy tak aby napomohly učení jazyka efektivněji. S primárním zaměrením na konverzaci získáte všechny důležité skušenosti k dosažení osobních a firemních cílu * studium v malých skupinkách poskytuje nejlepší nástroje pro vaše cíle do budoucna. Budete schopni uplatnit všechno co ste se naučili i v praxi a cítit se pohodlně pri používáni angličtiny v pracovních situacích jako i v osobním živote
  • Colleges from August 2020
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice11 years
Languages can teach
English, Lithuanian
Vilnius University, Philology, Languages.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At the students
Prices from:
Angličtina: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Dana Hodgson
Dana Hodgson
Age: 46 years old
dobry den , good day . Vratila jsem se po 20 letech do Ceske Republiky. Rada bych vyucovala anglictinu denni konverzaci. Jsem ucitelka puvodni profesi.
  • Colleges from August 2020
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice20 years
Languages can teach
postgradualni .
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Ceske Budejovice
Going to the student
Marharyta Syerikova
Marharyta Syerikova
Age: 27 years old
Teacher of English and French. I can help with any level, preraration for the University, help with the subject.
  • Colleges from August 2020
  • Applied: 17 student(s)
  • Years of practice9 years
English, French
Languages can teach
English, French, Czech, Russian
Bachelor degree, Foreign Languages, French and English philology.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Francouzský: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Francesca Bonanni
Francesca Bonanni
Age: 31 years old
Hi everyone! I'm Francesca, italian teacher from Rome. I've a master's degree in humanities and in Italian language and literature; I'm specialized in teaching italian to foreigners (certification DITALS I). Now I live in Prague where I work as an italian teacher. I am a cheerful, funny and patient person and I love to transmit the language and culture of my country! I believe that the best way to learn a language is fun and self-interest, so my teaching method is very relaxed and I'll try to create a comfortable environment. I make my lessons personalized according to the students' needs: conversation, grammar, listening, writing, funny games, etc... Enjoy!
  • Colleges from August 2020
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
university, humanities, italian language.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
italština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Galina Petrovskaya
Galina Petrovskaya
Age: 57 years old
Učitelka logoped
  • Colleges from August 2020
  • Applied: 18 student(s)
  • Years of practice35 years
Speech therapist, Russian
Languages can teach
vysoká škola, Defektologicky, Logoped,defektolog.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Logoped: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Elena Arenberg
Elena Arenberg
Age: 41 years old
Jsem kvalifikovaná učitelka němčiny. Pracuji také v jazykové škole Spěváček. Můj program je zaměřen na studenty od 16 let. Výuka probíhá online nebo na základě dohody.
  • Colleges from September 2020
  • Applied: 17 student(s)
  • Years of practice21 years
Languages can teach
němčina, ruština
Uralská federální univerzita, Filologická fakulta,katedra německych studií, Německy jazýk a literatura.
Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Philologische Fakultät, Lehrstuhl für Skandinavistik, Skandinavische Literatur und Kultur/Mediävistik.
Univerzita Karlova (nostrifikace), Filologická fakulta, Německy jazýk a literatura.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Age: 33 years old
Kathlyn is a motivated English teacher that seeks to bridge the gap between native and non native speakers. She believes in teaching English using fun and systematic ways that could help a child excel. Group classes are highly recommended for 1.5 hours each session so that children are taught in a fun, conducive environment where friends are encouraged to inspire, motivate and learn together.
  • Colleges from September 2020
  • Years of practice16 years
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Daria Silanteva
Daria Silanteva
Age: 23 years old
Jsem učitelka jazyků s bohatými zkušenostmi, od individuálních lekcí až po založení vzdělávacího centra a tvorbu učebních plánů pro jazykové školy. V mých hodinách je na prvním místě pozitivita a humor. Budeme s vámi probírat aktuální témata, drby a to vše v cizím jazyce :) Těm, kteří se chtějí učit češtinu pro cizince, navrhuji, abyste se se mnou blíže seznámili na mém TikToku https://www.tiktok.com/@passordie
  • Colleges from September 2020
  • Applied: 13 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Angličtina, Čeština, Ruština
Masarikova Univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Pedagogika.
University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education, Educational Scince.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
CHeshskiy dlya inostrancev: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Marat Khachaturyan
Marat Khachaturyan
Age: 60 years old
Composer and piano teacher from 1988. Experience as a music teacher in Russia, Canada and Austria.
  • Colleges from October 2020
  • Applied: 16 student(s)
  • Years of practice36 years
Music (piano)
Languages can teach
Russian, Czech,English
College of music, Piano, flute, Piano, flute.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home (Praha 3)
Prices from:
Hudba (piano) Praha 3: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Марина К. : Уроками очень довольна. Марат прекрасный человек и как профессионал и композитор очень талантливый
Andrew Rapoport
Andrew Rapoport
Age: 36 years old
I am a Ph.D. student of genetic and microbiology at Charles University. I can teach you mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, Czech and Russian languages.
  • Colleges from November 2020
  • Applied: 60 student(s)
  • Years of practice17 years
Mathematics, Russian, Biology, Physics, Chemistry
Languages can teach
Russian, Czech, English
Lomonosov Moscow State University, soil science, microbiology.
Charles University, faculty of science, genetic and microbiology.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
CHeshskiy dlya inostrancev: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Age: 26 years old
Jsem učitel češtiny jako cizího jazyka i ruštiny. Studoval jsem lingvistiku na Lotyšské univerzitě
  • Colleges from November 2020
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
Ruština, Angličtina
Lotyšská univerzita, Fakulta humanických věd, Lingvistika.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 480 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Natalia Ayas Bezuglova
Natalia Ayas Bezuglova
Age: 33 years old
Hello. İ am Natalia. İ am a Russian speaking teacher of English language, based in Prague. İ am offering you online or in-person courses of English. We can practice and improve your reading, writing, conversation skills, grammar. İ can also help you with business English, travel English. İ am a Russian native speaker, also speaking Czech, so most of my students are Russians or Czech. Jmenuji se Natalia. Jsem ucitelka anglictiny. Bydlím v Praze. Nabízím vám online nebo osobní kurzy angličtiny. Můžeme procvičit a zlepšit vaši dovednosti ve čtení, psaní, konverzaci, gramatice. Také vám můžu pomoci s obchodní angličtinou, cestovní angličtinou.
  • Colleges from November 2020
  • Applied: 13 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian
FCE (First Certificate in English).
Bachelor, VSE, Faculty of Finance and Accounting.
Master, VSFS, Faculty of Economics, Finance.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Ruslana Gudkova
Ruslana Gudkova
Age: 50 years old
Rodilá mluvčí, z Petrohradu, vysokoškolské vzdělání, zabývám se doučováním ruštiny 6 let. Nabízím výuku ruštiny (gramatika a konverzace, kultura a tradice). Individuální přístup, materiály z Ruska. Praxe: vedení kurzu ruštiny na Karlově univerzitě, práce na jazykové škole Channel Crossings, učitel ruštiny na Střední hotelové škole Kladno, soukromý učitel ruštiny.
  • Colleges from November 2020
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice9 years
Languages can teach
ruský jazyk
Vysoká škola Ekonomiky a Řízení, Sankt-Petěrburg, Rusko.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Evgeniya Sirigina
Evgeniya Sirigina
Age: 41 years old
Hi, I'm Evgenia.I'm from Russia. I can speak English and Russian. Also I can help you to learn these languages. I use modern books and we listen different song and watch interesting videos. I won a lof of professional competitions and entered professional courses.
  • Colleges from January 2021
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice20 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
English, Russian
Institute,college, foreign languages, interpreter, teacher of english.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Lamiya Gadashova
Lamiya Gadashova
Age: 24 years old
Hello, My name is Lamiya, i am 21 y.o. and i am native russian speaker. I am offering russian language classes for beginners (grammar+speaking 200/h) and also talk sessions for A2-C2 speakers (we can choose the topic and discuss 150/h)
  • Colleges from January 2021
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Languages can teach
VŠE, FIS, Matematické metody v ekonomii.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Anton Shusharin
Anton Shusharin
Age: 47 years old
I am a native Russian speaker, experienced in translating and interpreting, both orally and in writing, from English into Russian and vice versa. I have studied Russian since elementary school. I was born and raised in Russia and relocated in Ukraine in 2007. I am confident in my abilities to teach Russian and see my students succeed. I am prepared to tutor beginning students, as well as advanced. I will teach you structure and content of Russian language, including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition and grammar, and pronunciation. You will be able to read, write, understand oral speech, and speak Russian. I offer online lessons (Skype, Zoom). Russian language is not easy, and the sooner you start studying, the better! I hope to see you soon, Anton
  • Colleges from February 2021
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Venuše Matoušková
Venuše Matoušková
Age: 66 years old
Vystudovala jsem FF UK, učila jsem na gymnáziu a pracovala v Akademii věd. 12 let učím rusky mluvící studenty česky. Mám zkušenosti s výukou skupin v jazykových školách i s individuální výukou. Od roku 2009 učím on-line po skype.
  • Colleges from February 2021
  • Applied: 18 student(s)
  • Years of practice42 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština, čeština pro cizince
Karlova univerzita, filozofická, ruština, historie, pedagogický směr.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Pedro Sanchez
Pedro Sanchez
Age: 49 years old
Qualified, friendly, and experienced language tutor dedicated to student learning. Confident teaching both one-on-one and in groups. I have strong communication skills and am completely bilingual in English and Spanish. I am committed to helping my students to achieve their goals. Over 15 years of experience helping students around the world.
  • Colleges from March 2021
  • Years of practice26 years
Spanish, English
Languages can teach
English and Spanish
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
španělština: 260 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sofiia Siletskaia
Sofiia Siletskaia
Age: 23 years old
Učím se němčinu už 3 roky, teď mám B1, můžu učit začátečníky( děti, dospělé)
  • Colleges from March 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Russian, German
Languages can teach
Němčina ruština
ČZU, Ekonomické, Podnikání a administrativita.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Marco Bernardi
Marco Bernardi
Age: 38 years old
Privet, menya zovut Marko, ya dvuyazichniy i ya prepodayu angliyskiy okolo chetiryoh let. YA rodilsya v Italii, no moim pervim yazikom, na kotorom ya zagovoril, bil angliyskiy, blagodarya moey mame. YA jil i rabotal v Londone, ochen lyublyu angliyskiy yazik i britanskuyu kulturu. Moy podhod k obucheniyu ochen interesen i unikalen, mnogo pozitiva i shutok. Moi studenti sleduyut programme i formatu Kembridj SEFR. Pri etom kajdiy urok polon prakticheskih navikov s real-life. YA gorjus tem, chto moim studentam nravyatsya ih rezultati i oni nahodyat priyatnim i poleznim vremya, provedyonnoe vmeste. Zabroniruy besplatnuyu vstrechu chtobi poznakomitsya, ya jdu tebya.
  • Colleges from May 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Languages can teach
Tourism & Economics, F. Datini, Tourism.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 335 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Haytham Fakkar
Haytham Fakkar
Age: 52 years old
NABÍZÍM LEKCE KONVERZAČNÍ ANGLIČTINY, PRVNÍ HODINA ZDARMA. Mohu pomoci i s přípravou na pracovní pohovor nebo prezentaci. Hi everyone, my name's Haytham and I'm an Egyptian currently living in Ostrava. I'm offering Arabic classes, both face-to-face and online. I teach both Modern Standard Arabic (fosha) and Egyptian Arabic. I have experience teaching students from A1 to C2. I teach general Arabic, business Arabic, and Arabic for travellers. I have lots of good quality and fun worksheets and other materials available. I have worked in an international environment for many years, so I can teach conversation and Business English well. If you have any questions, feel free to write in! Thank you very much, looking forward to working together with you :)
  • Colleges from May 2021
  • Years of practice9 years
Arabian, English
Languages can teach
English - Arabic
BC, Ain Shams, accounting.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Arabština: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anar Tergeussova
Anar Tergeussova
Age: 27 years old
Chcete se dostat na lékařskou fakultu? Rada vám s tím pomůžu! Jsem studentkou všeobecného lékařství a vím, jak na přijímačky. Učím v ruštině a češtině, udělám všechno, aby vás výuka bavila. Zkušenost doučování je 1 rok.
  • Colleges from May 2021
  • Applied: 39 student(s)
  • Years of practice4 years
Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Russian
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština
Vysokoškolské, Univerzita Palackeho, lékařská fakulta, Všeobecné lékařství.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Giora Kukui
Giora Kukui
Age: 47 years old
Piano lessons in English for all levels and whishes. The Lessons will be tailored for the student needs and can be focus on Classical music, Jazz, Blues and Music theory. Provided by experienced teacher, active musician and composer.
  • Colleges from May 2021
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice19 years
Music (more), Music (piano)
Languages can teach
BMus, Composition.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home (Prague 7)
Prices from:
Hudba (piano): 600 CZK. / 45 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Karine Makaryan
Karine Makaryan
Age: 50 years old
Uvajaemie druzya ! Imeyu bolshoy opit raboti s uchenikami 2-11 klassov raznogo urovnya sformirovannosti yazikovih i rechevih navikov. Umeyu nayti podhod k lichnosti uchenika i sostavit programmu, kotoraya pomojet optimalno USVOIT material.Osoboe vnimanie udelyayu RAZVITIYU ustnoy i pismennoy RECHI. Mnoyu sozdana avtorskaya metodika obucheniya russkomu alfavitu detey-bilingvov 4-13 let.
  • Colleges from July 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice22 years
Languages can teach
Russian, armenian
master's degree, Philology, Russian language teacher.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Natalya Novoseltseva
Natalya Novoseltseva
Age: 49 years old
Hi! Natalya's here. I am a certified ESL teacher with 20 years of experience. Whatever your problem is, I am sure we can fix it. This is a chance to change your life for the better!
  • Colleges from August 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice26 years
Languages can teach
English, Ukrainian, Russian
Bachelor of Education, Philological, teacher of English.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 430 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Hasmik Margaryan
Hasmik Margaryan
Age: 31 years old
I am a Master student at Data Analysis. I am proficient at Mathematics, Statistics, Probability. I am able to help students and pupils to prepare for homework, tests and any kind of school exams in Mathematics, Statistics and Probability. I am able to teach in English, French, German and in Russian.
  • Colleges from August 2021
  • Applied: 22 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Mathematics, English, Economy
Languages can teach
English, French, German, Russian
Master, Information Science, Data Analysis.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Ekonomie: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kateryna Platonova
Kateryna Platonova
Age: 28 years old
Studentka Univerzity Karlovy, filozofická fakulta, obor Ruský jazyk a literatura - Český jazyk a literatura. Pedagogické vzdělání: Národní pedagogická univerzita M.P. Dragomanova v Kijevě. Učitelská praxe: Základní škola ve věsnici Muzyči (Kyjev) a soukromá výuka studentů různého věku
  • Colleges from September 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Languages can teach
čeština, ruština
VŠ, Národní pedagogická univerzita M.P. Dragomanova v Kyjevě, Španělština, angličtina a zahraniční lieratura pro střední školy.
VŠ, Univerzita Kalova, FF, Ruský jazyk a literatura - Český jazyk a literatura.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Charlie Edwards
Charlie Edwards
Age: 30 years old
Relaxed and experienced British Native teacher in Prague.
  • Colleges from September 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
Psychology (Bachelor of Science).
TEFL.org.uk 120-hour Certificate.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Fedor Fedorchuk
Fedor Fedorchuk
Age: 24 years old
law-student, ill help with everything around OSP:)
  • Colleges from September 2021
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Social studies, TSP,OSP, SCIO tests
Languages can teach
Rusky, anglicky
nedokoncene vysokoskolske, Pravnicka fakulta, Pravo a pravni veda.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At home (nám. Curieových 7)
Prices from:
OSP: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Základy společenských věd: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Stephen Hitchcock
Stephen Hitchcock
Age: 60 years old
Since 2007 I've helped hundreds of students realize their English proficiency goals, and you're next! I have 14 years of teaching experience, and know how to custom tailor lessons to your unique needs, lessons which are designed to be fun, interesting and help you make headway. I'm a native English teacher from Michigan in the USA. I teach ages 9-99, all levels, částečně mluvím česky! I teach anywhere: at your office, at my flat, in select quiet cafes in Prague, or online via Skype, Google Meet, MS Teams etc.
  • Colleges from September 2021
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice17 years
History, Music (more), English, Rhetoric, Philosophy
Languages can teach
Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree, College of Arts and Letters, Studio Art.
Bachelor of Arts Degree, College of Arts and Letters, Philosophy.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Filozofie: 650 CZK. / 60 min.
Rétorika: 650 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 650 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (více): 400 CZK. / 45 min.
Dějepis: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Leyla Isakova
Leyla Isakova
Age: 24 years old
Ahoj, jsem studentkou Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy univerzity a doučuji na přijímačky na medicínu, a hlavně z chemie. Pokusím se najít ten nejlepší a vyhovující způsob učení, a to pro každého studenta zvlášť. Učím v ruštině, v češtině a angličtině. V případě dotazů mě neváhejte kontaktovat
  • Colleges from October 2021
  • Applied: 9 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština, angličtina
Všeobecné lékařství, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Všeobecné lékařství.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Biochemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sofiia Artemenko
Sofiia Artemenko
Age: 22 years old
Jsem studentka, v současné době studuji psychologii na VŠ. Jsem rodilý mluvčí ruského a ukrajinského jazyka, češtinu mám potvrzenou na úrovni B2. Asi rok pracuju jako tutor, připravuji školáky na stěhování do nové země.
  • Colleges from November 2021
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice4 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, ukrajinština
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Kseniia Novoselova
Kseniia Novoselova
Age: 23 years old
  • Colleges from November 2021
  • Applied: 15 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Angličtina, čeština, ruština
Vysoká škola ekonomická, Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů, International Business.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Dr. Edwin Edwin
Dr. Edwin Edwin
Age: 39 years old
For the past 12 years, I have been teaching mathematics, especially University students. I have taught High school students of all levels of grades. I also teach online and have a youtube channel where I teach maths from time to time. I believe the best way of teaching mathematics is to access each student and see their needs. Once that is done, I find it easier to teach my students.
  • Colleges from January 2022
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Languages can teach
Doctoral Degree, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Galina Thomayerová
Galina Thomayerová
Age: 53 years old
Jsem rodilá ruský mluvící, v České republice od roku 1994, 17 let praxe na základní škole II. stupeň.
  • Colleges from February 2022
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice19 years
Languages can teach
Karlová Univerzita, Tělesná výchova a sport, učitelka.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Margarita Valieva
Margarita Valieva
Age: 36 years old
Hello! I am a certified teacher of the Russian language, as a foreigner! I live and work in a beautiful Prague, born in Russia! my languages: English B1, Czech A2, Spanish A2 ) I love my work, interesting and recognizable on my lessons! you will know a lot of interesting and new in history, culture, geography of Russia, start talking beautiful and right! See you !
  • Colleges from February 2022
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anna Vazhynska
Anna Vazhynska
Age: 27 years old
Welcome everyone to individual English lessons. You will not notice how time flies, because the lessons will be light, in a playful, conversational and interesting way. And as you already know, in this way everything is remembered much better. I find my own approach to everyone and follow the program I developed. I put a lot of emphasis on colloquial speech, I don’t teach to speak in life with “book phrases”. I help everyone with different levels of knowledge. Experience: 4 years, worked in a private school with grades 1-6 in Kyiv, as well as online with different age categories and levels of knowledge. Education: National Pedagogical Institute. M. P. Dragomanova, Ukraine, Kyiv.
  • Colleges from March 2022
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Languages can teach
Ruština, ukrajinština
Pedagogické, Překlad z angličtiny a francouzštiny, Angličtina a francouzština.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Olga Artemeva
Olga Artemeva
Age: 41 years old
Hello! My name is Oľga, I live in Slovakia and I have been teaching Chinese for over 15 years. I studied Chinese at Beijing Normal University. Over the years of teaching Chinese to both children and adults, I have developed my own method of learning Chinese characters. I will help you to memorize Chinese characters quickly and efficiently, I will teach you how to correctly compose sentences in Chinese so that you can have conversations on a wide range of topics. I can clearly explain the grammar of the Chinese language using the visual diagrams and tables I have personally created. I also prepare students to take international exams in the Chinese language (HSK - 汉语水平 考试 Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi), I work according to modern manuals and my own developed methodological program, which includes special tests and exercises. I use ZOOM, Skype and other platforms for teaching. Lessons are 60 minutes long. Price: 15 € / 60min. If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me and let’s learn Chinese together! Sincerely, Olga
  • Colleges from March 2022
  • Years of practice18 years
Languages can teach
slovak, english, russian, chinese
Beijing Normal University, language and culture, Chinese.
Russian State University for the Humanities, Faculty of Oriental Philosophy, Chinese philosophy.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Čínština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Tri Truong
Tri Truong
Age: 32 years old
I am a mathematics lecturer.
  • Colleges from March 2022
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
Languages can teach
English and Vietnamese
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Vladlena Borisova
Vladlena Borisova
Age: 51 years old
Logoped 15 let staja, diplomirovanniy psiholog ,rabotayu s detmi s5 let i s mamami
  • Colleges from April 2022
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice19 years
Speech therapist
Languages can teach
řečový terapeut, Logoed, Logoped.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Logoped: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Dariya Zabolotnya
Dariya Zabolotnya
Age: 36 years old
Hi! My name is Dariya and I am English/Spanish tutor. Invite you to my online lessons. Level : Elementary- Intermediate-Upper-Intermediate-Advance. You won't be bored. I will teach You to write and to speak.
  • Colleges from April 2022
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Languages can teach
Kyiv international Universaty, International relations, International law; English/Spanish tutor.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kateryna Litvin
Kateryna Litvin
Age: 31 years old
A motivator who loves his job
  • Colleges from April 2022
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice11 years
Speech therapist, Russian
Languages can teach
Ukrainian Russian
Kyiv National University, department of speech therapy, speech therapist.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Logoped: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anastasiia Samura
Anastasiia Samura
Age: 24 years old
I have a degree in English Language and Literature. Translation included. " I constantly practice English and modify teaching methods. From the beginning of training I check the level of the student, I use bright pictures and games for children, books and videos - for adults. Classes include the development of both spoken language and reading, writing and listening perception. Learn more in class with me! I will be glad to cooperate with everyone! I will be happy to help you speak a foreign language quickly and efficiently!
  • Colleges from May 2022
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Russian, Ukrainian
Bachelor degree, RGF, English language and literature (translation included).
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Чешский для иностранцев: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Dmytro Laskin
Dmytro Laskin
Age: 54 years old
Hey there! My name is Dmytro. I come from Ukraine. I have been recently relocated to Prague. I spent 10 years of my life living in Canada. I have taught English at a public school for 13 years. I have been an English tutor all this time as well. I am a friendly and outgoing person. I'm also very patient, as I understand that learning can be challenging at times. My lessons will give you an excellent opportunity to speak to a tutor with a very strong command of English. I am very up-to-date with cool expressions and ways to word your thoughts. My lessons will help you get rid of the shyness of speaking English in public. Contact me if you have any questions and start improving you English today!
  • Colleges from May 2022
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice16 years
Languages can teach
Russian Ukrainian
Kharkiv State Pedagigical University, English language, English teacher.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Ilona Halaim
Ilona Halaim
Age: 25 years old
o good computer skills, knowledge of the Windows operating system Communicativeness o Ability to learn quickly o Knowledge of Excel Diligence o Team work skills o English B2 o German is communicative o Polish is a communicative language o Ukrainian language fluency o Russian language fluency
  • Colleges from June 2022
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
English. Ukrainian. Russian
Vasyl` Stus Donetsk Natoinal University, Ukrainian Language and Science of Ukraine, Ukrainian Language and Literature.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At the students
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Stanislav Gaisin
Stanislav Gaisin
Age: 24 years old
I love travelling and linguistics. Very communicative and friendly. I have learned through daily usage of language as well as with the help of tutors during my younger years. Currently I'm at C1 level of English. Studying on my 3rd year Bachelor's in English in Czech University of Life Sciences. I have been teaching English to people of different ages since 2019. I'll be happy to help achieving your goals.
  • Colleges from July 2022
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian, Czech
Czech University of Life Sciences, PEF, Business Informatics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Stanislav Gaisin
Stanislav Gaisin
Age: 24 years old
I love travelling and linguistics. Very communicative and friendly. I have learned through daily usage of language as well as with the help of tutors during my younger years. Currently I'm at C1 level of English. Studying on my 3rd year Bachelor's in English in Czech University of Life Sciences. I have been teaching English to people of different ages since 2019. I'll be happy to help achieving your goals.
  • Colleges from July 2022
  • Years of practice5 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian, Czech
Czech University of Life Sciences, PEF, Business Informatics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
sachal abdullah
sachal abdullah
Age: 30 years old
I am computer science student at Charles University in Prague. I really like doing mathematics and ofcourrse teaching and writing it too. Also I like to write about philosophy. I have been a research assistant and teaching assistant for sometime before coming to Prague. I focused on the topics: geometry, graph theory, complexity theory. While I was teaching assistant I was mostly concerned with artificial intelligence So I am here to help you for your mathematics, computer science and writing needs.
  • Colleges from July 2022
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
English, Philosophy, Mathematics, Informatics
Languages can teach
Bachelors of Computer Science, Computer Science, Computer Science.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Informatika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Matematika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Filozofie: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Liudmyla Kubrak
Liudmyla Kubrak
Age: 61 years old
Ahoj! Mám dlouholetou praxi v ZUŠ i soukromě. Využivam autorské metody výuky, praktikuji herní metodu výuky. Moje lekce jsou zajímavé a zábavné. Pracuji s dětmi i dospělými offline i online.
  • Colleges from August 2022
  • Applied: 11 student(s)
  • Years of practice30 years
Music (piano)
Languages can teach
Rusky, ukrainsky
Akademie kulturu, Hudebni, Klavir, dirigent.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Hudba (piano): 500 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anna Lesyk
Anna Lesyk
Age: 41 years old
Focus on the result with the selection of individual methods. Experience of classes with different age groups and different levels of knowledge. I can detect gaps in knowledge, in classes we form this knowledge first of all. To make classes as comfortable and efficient as possible, I choose appropriate methods of presenting the material. Experience of preparing for exams in Austria, Great Britain, Poland, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Germany, Canada, the USA and other countries from English- and Polish-language programs of economic disciplines (micro-, macroeconomics, finance for MBA school programs) since 2013 ),
  • Colleges from August 2022
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice11 years
Languages can teach
Ukrainian, Russian
National Pedagogical University named M.P. Dragomanova, Psychology, Psychology master's degree.
Kyiv Economic Institute of Management, Management of organizations, Management of organizations, master's degree.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Ekonomie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Tetiana Karysheva
Tetiana Karysheva
Age: 56 years old
I have been working at the school since 1995. Tutor since 2003. The teacher is a methodologist. My students are winners of olympiads and many competitions. 100% of applicants entered academic institutions around the world (USA, Canada, Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Ukraine)
  • Colleges from August 2022
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice29 years
Languages can teach
ukrainan, russian
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Biologie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Julia Kukharchuk
Julia Kukharchuk
Age: 24 years old
Hi, my name is Julia. Since early childhood I’ve been interested in learning languages, it became my passion nowadays. I have two mother tongues: Russian and Belarussian. Another languages i use on a regular basis are Latin (due to my degree) English and Czech. I’ve got more than 100 students during my practice and I believe that all students learn in different ways and at different paces. My strategy is to find balance, to concentrate on really important things while learning, and to integrate some slang and fun, for sure. Language has the tendency to change constantly, let’s mimic it! Let’s improve ourselves together.
  • Colleges from September 2022
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice4 years
Czech, English
Languages can teach
Russian, English, Czech
Bakalářské, Fakulta Humanitních studii, Sociokulturní antropologie.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 1200 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 1000 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Kanan Hajiyev
Kanan Hajiyev
Age: 37 years old
Mistr Fide. V roce 2018 byl mistrem světa mezi amatéry. Níže je odkaz na mou oficiální stránku fide. Třídy probíhají offline i online po domluvě. Tréninkový program v závislosti na úrovni studenta. Možné jsou i skupinové lekce. V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů prosím kontaktujte.
  • Colleges from September 2022
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice15 years
Languages can teach
Ruský, Český, English, Azeri
Hospodářská politika a správa, Provozně ekonomická fakulta ČZU v Praze, Podnikání a administrativa.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
šachy: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
šachy: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Lilija Lukjanova
Lilija Lukjanova
Age: 50 years old
10 let učitelské praxe v hudebních školách. • Zkušenosti jako korepetitorka. • Možnost výuky i v ruštině (Jsem rodilá mluvčí ruštiny) Vozmojno obuchenie na russkom yazike
  • Colleges from October 2022
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice31 years
Music (piano), Russian
Languages can teach
čeština ruština
AAkademie múzických umění ( Nižnij Novgorod)., KLAVÍR, KLAVÍR.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At the students
Prices from:
ruština: 650 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (piano): 650 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sejal Patel
Sejal Patel
Age: 46 years old
Hello there, I am Sejal Patel, a trained Math teacher residing in Prague. From past 21 years I have been working with students of different age group. As my experience ranges from preschool to high school I will be happy to tutor elementary and high school students. As a Math teacher I believe in making each topic interesting and more fun. Looking forward to hear from you!
  • Colleges from October 2022
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice23 years
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
Languages can teach
M Sc, MSU, Math.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kamila Zhaxylykova
Kamila Zhaxylykova
Age: 22 years old
Jako studentka české univerzity nejsem pouze lektorkou, ale i průvodcem při přijímání na české vysoké školy, hledání práce v českých firmách nebo vzdělávání na českých školách. Můj zkušenosti z pražské gymnázium, jazykových kurzů a úspěšné zkoušky mých studentů zdůrazňují profesionální a dostupný přístup k mé výuce! Eng: As a student of a Czech university, I am not only a tutor but also a guide in the process of admission to Czech universities, employment in Czech companies, or education in Czech schools. My experience in a Prague gymnasium, language courses, and the successful tests of my students highlight the professionalism and accessibility of my teaching!
  • Colleges from November 2022
  • Applied: 12 student(s)
  • Years of practice2 years
Czech, English
Languages can teach
Ruština, Anglična, Čeština
Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem, FUD, Umění a design.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 100 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 100 CZK. / 60 min.
Usti nad Labem
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Olga Krutikova
Olga Krutikova
Age: 50 years old
Mama rada - čtení, běh, hudba, činština, používam Vegas Pro.Můj rodný jazyk je Ruština. Čeština A2 (pokračuju studium), Angličtina intermediate (pokračuju studium). Windows, MS Office, Internet, E-mail, Zvukový záznamový program "Studio one".
  • Colleges from November 2022
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
Music (piano), Music (singing)
Languages can teach
Kemerove státní vysoká škola umění a kultury, Rusko, Hudební umění estrády, Státní skouška.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Hudba (zpěv): 500 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (piano): 500 CZK. / 45 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kseniia Vinogradova
Kseniia Vinogradova
Age: 22 years old
Jsem rodilá mluvčí. Učím ruštinu pro začátečníky. Teď studuju v České Republice v Českých Budějovicích na vysoké škole. Poskytuji veškeré potřebné materiály pro školení.
  • Colleges from November 2022
  • Years of practice2 years
Languages can teach
čeština, angličtina, ruština
Jihočeská univerzita.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Ceske Budejovice
Sergei Zeytulaev
Sergei Zeytulaev
Age: 35 years old
Učitel češtiny, angličtiny a ruštiny jako cizího jazyka s desetiletou praxi.Vážení zájemci. Žádám, abyste brali ve zřetel, že placení za hodiny češtiny a ruštiny je možné pouze prostřednictvím rychlých peněžních převodů typu western union a podobné.
  • Colleges from November 2022
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, Angličtina, Ruština
Bakalář, Anglická filologie, Učitelství angličtiny jako cizího jazyka.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Nasta Šilak
Nasta Šilak
Age: 26 years old
Ahoj! Jsem Nasta. Učím češtinu už 5 let a miluji to. Pro každého studenta vytvářím individuální plán výuky podle své vlastní metody. Budeme hrát, provádět jazykový koučink a hodně-hodně mluvit. Chceš se naučit češtinu snadně a rychle? Pojďme na to spolu!
  • Colleges from December 2022
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, ukrajinština
Běloruská statní univerzita, Filozofická, Český jazyk a literatura.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Viktoriia Symkina
Viktoriia Symkina
Age: 28 years old
Jsem učitel inspirovaný vědou a uměním. Biologie pro mě není nudný školní předmět, ale způsob, jak vidět krásu našeho světa. Mužů pomoct s přípravou na zkoušky, ale nečekejte, že se budu omezovat na „standardní“ kurz. Chcete-li se zamilovat do biologie, spojit svůj život s vědou nebo najít odpovědi na otázky, na které ve škole nikdo neodpovídá – přijďte za mnou! Ru, Cz, En
  • Colleges from December 2022
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Languages can teach
Ruština, čeština, angličtina
Karlova Univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta, Molekulární biologie a biochemie organizmů.
Kharkiv National Medical University, First Medical.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Biologie: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Angelina Shychkin
Angelina Shychkin
Age: 22 years old
Hello! I’m Angelina, and I’m your new tutor best friend! I’ve been tutoring English, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian and Spanish languages to students around all the world and I will have no problems to make you learn fast and efficiently the language that you need no matter what level you currently have. The lessons are never boring and make the learning process more pleasant and interesting. I always motivate my students and I guide them in a professional and friendly manner. I have more than 5 years of teaching experience
  • Colleges from January 2023
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Russian, Spanish, Italian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian
Universita Linguistica Di Milano Bicocca.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
italština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
španělština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Payal Patel
Payal Patel
Age: 39 years old
As a computer science tutor, Google has certified me. With 5 years of Oracle and Python expertise as a software developer and database administrator, as well as 17 years of teaching experience in C, C++, Java, Python, SQL, PLSQL, and Google CS First. which helps in providing real time training for the students. For the pupils, I provide real-life examples to help them understand the principles. Whether a professional or a student, the emphasis and slogan is to provide computer education in a calm and friendly environment without sacrificing the quality and value provided. I've always relied on and believed in constant improvement, as well as updating the courses and course content on a regular basis. I am available to teach both online and offline classes. After the session, I gave students PDFs to revise. I can answer questions about school and college assignments and homework. I can also educate international students because of my experience in APTECH and SPIPA. My accomplishments as a Lecturer • In the last year, I've had over 10 students publish apps on the Google Play Store. • The kids are ready to launch their app or game after 20 sessions. • Every student received at least an 85 percent in the XII board exams. • The 'Gulf Daily News Paper' featured our grade 5 student from Bahrain, while the 'Navkar Newspaper' featured our grade 3 student from Gujarat, India. • Students compete in the '2022 Science Fair' and win. • Currently, my students are employed at a multinational corporation (MNC) & working as a college professor Subjects Read to Take : 1. Python (Basic - Advance) 2. Agile Testing 3. Data Analyst 4. Excel with Macro 5. Advance Visual Basic 6. Power BI 7. Scratch Programing ( Basic - Advance) 8. Google CS First ( Basic - Advance) 9. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning for children & teenagers (Basic - Advance) 10. App Development (Grade 1st to 12th ) 11. Game Development 12. website Development 13. SQL / PLSQL 14. RDBMS 15. MS Office (Basic - Advance) 16. Science and Maths Hands on Activities (Make models | Projects) 17. Computer (CBSE | IGCSE) 18 . MS Access 19. PostgreSQL
  • Colleges from January 2023
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice19 years
English, Informatics
Languages can teach
English , Hindi
Bachlor of Computer Application, Computer Science, Python , SQL , Software Testing.
Oracle Database Administrator, Oracle University, Oracle Database.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Informatika: 210 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Waseem khan
Waseem khan
Age: 33 years old
Working as a PhD student at Faculty Science Masaryk University
  • Colleges from January 2023
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice12 years
Physics, Mathematics
Languages can teach
graduation, Science, Physics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Stella Drábová
Stella Drábová
Age: 22 years old
Hello everyone! My name is Stella, I am a czech native and I am here to help you with Czech. In my online classes, we will mainly focus on basic phrases in the field of communication in the Czech language, because I believe that speaking in practical excersises is one of the best ways how to make a language better. But if you are more advanced, we can definitely look at grammar exercises, writing, listening and also spelling together. I am currently a student at the Faculty of Education at Charles University in Prague. Here I study a double major in German and Czech language. I also have an FCE language certificate in English at B2 level, so we can communicate with each other in English aber wir können auch zusammen Deutsch sprechen, wenn du ein absoluter Anfänger in Tschechisch bist, es ist ganz egal, Ich freue mich sehr auf unseren gemeinsamen Unterricht! Takže pokud si myslíš, že jsi připraven na 1. hodinu češtiny, tak neváhej a zamluv si svou 1. zkušební hodinu se mnou. Nemůžu se dočkat! Brzy na viděnou;)
  • Colleges from February 2023
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice1 years
Languages can teach
English, German
Charles University, Faculty od Education, Czech and German.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Nastya Hurhach
Nastya Hurhach
Age: 22 years old
Hey🦩I will tell you a little about myself. I have been a teacher at the All Right English school for a long time, and I am also a copywriter at the American company Marin Software. For more detailed information, contact me by phone number in any of the messengers that are convenient for you.
  • Colleges from March 2023
  • Years of practice6 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English and Ukrainian, Russian
Primary education, Education/pedagogy, Foreign language teacher.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 360 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Zhanna Iskazieva
Zhanna Iskazieva
Age: 24 years old
Rozvíjíme dovednosti jako mluvení, čtení, pravopis, stejně jako porozumění řeči na sluch (ovládnutí všech těchto dovedností testováno na mezinárodních zkouškách). Jaké jsou bonusy v mé výuce? Budu s vámi v kontaktu. Speaking club Osobní zkušenost jako za půl roku mého učení jsem dostala úroveň B2. Kartičky pro zlepšení vašeho slovníku
  • Colleges from March 2023
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice2 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, angličtina
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina online: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština online: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český online: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina offline: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština offline: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Český offline: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Age: 33 years old
I am a dedicated physicist with a passion for teaching and research. I earned my Ph.D. in Physics from the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in India, where I conducted research in the field of experimental Physics. After completing my doctorate, I worked as a researcher in Physics at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, where I conducted research in the field of condensed matter physics. Currently, I am employed as a researcher in Physics at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Science, where I am involved in research projects related to experimental solid state physics. Throughout my career, I have been involved in numerous research projects and have published my research in high-impact peer-reviewed journals.
  • Colleges from March 2023
  • Years of practice1 years
Physics, Mathematics
Languages can teach
English, Hindi
PhD in Physics, Physics.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Ondřej Šimůnek
Ondřej Šimůnek
Age: 24 years old
Jsem student vysoké školy v Ústí nad Labem. Nabízím doučování anglického jazyka a dějepisu pro začátečníky i mírně pokročilé. Mohu také nabídnout doučování německého jazyka pro začátečníky.
  • Colleges from April 2023
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice1 years
History, German, English
Languages can teach
Angličtina, čeština
Střední zdravotnická škola, Asistent zubního technika.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
němčina: 150 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 150 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějepis: 150 CZK. / 60 min.
Usti nad Labem
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Yolanda López
Yolanda López
Age: 26 years old
Hello! My name is Yolanda and I'm from Spain. I have been working as a teacher for several years, both in schools and with private classes. Currently, I offer a unique learning experience through video games. We can play games such as Minecraft, Stardew Valley, or any other suggestions you may have. We can have Spanish classes from scratch or for intermediate/advanced levels while enjoying the love for video games. So, if you want to learn Spanish in a fun and different way, don't hesitate to contact me!
  • Colleges from May 2023
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Languages can teach
English and Spanish
Career: Education, University of Málaga (UMA), Foreign laguagues.
Master: Teaching Spanish as a foreign languague, International University of La Rioja (UNIR), Teaching Spanish and gamification.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
španělština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Barbora Řehová
Barbora Řehová
Age: 51 years old
Řadu let žiju v italském Miláně, kde pracuji jako tlumočnice a učitelka italštiny a češtiny. Mám zkušenosti s výukou dospělých i dětí. Připravují české děti v Miláně na rozdílové zkoušky z Českého jazyka. Učit italštinu a češtinu mi dělá velkou radost😊
  • Colleges from May 2023
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Czech, Italian
Languages can teach
cils2, Università di Siena, Italština.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
italština: 380 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 380 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Daria Oshchepkova
Daria Oshchepkova
Age: 34 years old
Dobrý den! Jsem učitelkou jazyků již víc než 12 let. Ráda pomůžu Vám zvládnout těžkou gramatiku, pochopit lexikologii a logiku jazyků. Lingvistické vzdělání pomáhá pochopit systém jakéhokoliv jazyku a díky tomu najít lehké a jednoduché cesty, aby moji studenti začali mluvit co nejrychleji. Mám hodně zkušeností, moji studenti úspěšně zvládají zkoušky.
  • Colleges from May 2023
  • Applied: 16 student(s)
  • Years of practice9 years
TSP,OSP, SCIO tests, Russian, Spanish, German, Chinese, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, angličtina, němčina, španělština
Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home (Praha 4 )
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Čínština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
španělština: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
TSP,OSP, SCIO zkoušky: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Truc Duong
Truc Duong
Age: 37 years old
I'm aware of using methods and techniques that should be effective and, at the same time, humorous! I can adapt to different learners' learning styles. I understand the challenges that a language learner usually faces when learning a language as I myself am learning Czech and French.
  • Colleges from May 2023
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice15 years
Languages can teach
English, Vietnamese
Master's degree (MA), UK, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
Certificate, Vietnam, Teaching Vietnamese as a Foreign Language.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Vietnamština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Olivia Biskupska
Olivia Biskupska
Age: 29 years old
Vzdelanie: 2021-2022 súkromné hodiny u hlasovej koučky Anny Re (pracovala s hlasovou koučkou Madonny, Stinga, Diane Reeves a broadwayskými muzikálovými hercami) 2022 absolvovanie kurzu Letnej jazzovej dielne (lektor Dena DeRose, New York) 2022 súkromné hodiny u hlasovej koučky Juliany Sersen 2022 absolvovanie kurzu Master your Voice (lektor Charmaine Brown, USA) 2022 Certifikát z kurzu Teach Music Online (lektor Carly Walton, USA) 2021 Certifikát z ABRSM kurzu - Becoming a Better Music Teacher 2018-2020 Vysoká škola múzických umení v Bratislave (Hudobná dramaturgia - Mgr.) 2017 - absolvovanie kurzu Slyšet jinak o elementárnej kompozícii s prof. Zouharem z Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci 2017 - absolvovanie majstrovského klavírneho interpretačného kurzu s prof. Drahomírou Biligovou z Talianska
  • Colleges from May 2023
  • Years of practice5 years
Music (more), Music (piano), Music (singing)
Languages can teach
slovenský, anglický, poľský
Vysokoškolské magisterské, Hudobná a tanečná fakulta, Katedra teórie hudby, Hudba.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Hudba (zpěv): 1200 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (piano): 1200 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (více): 1200 CZK. / 45 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sadoon Farrukh
Sadoon Farrukh
Age: 29 years old
Hi, I'm Sadoon Farrukh, a passionate physicist, and dedicated educator. With a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics from Czechia Republic, I have immersed myself in the fascinating world of physics and its applications. For the past five years, I've had the privilege of sharing my knowledge and love for physics with high school and secondary school students. My teaching philosophy revolves around making physics accessible and engaging. Through interactive lessons, practical demonstrations, and real-world examples, I strive to make physics come alive for my students. Join me and unravel the mysteries of physics together. Let's dive into the realm of science and embark on a transformative learning experience. Together, we can ignite your curiosity, build a strong foundation in physics, and unlock your full potential.
  • Colleges from May 2023
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Physics, English
Languages can teach
Ph.D. Candidate, Physics, Plasma Physics and thin films.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Julia Gavrilova
Julia Gavrilova
Age: 29 years old
Jmenuji se Julia a věnuji se hře na klavír již od svých 5 let. V letech 2016 až 2022 jsem působila jako klavírní lektorka v Piano School Prague. Nyní již delší dobu spolupracuji se všemi klavírními kurzy Evy Lorenc. Zajistím individuální přístup přizpůsobený vašim potřebám a cílům. S radostí vyučuji dospělé začátečníky i pokročilé klavíristy. Specializuji se na online výuku. Věřím, že hra na klavír by měla přinášet radost a může být zajímavým a přínosným koníčkem pro každého. Pokud milujete hudbu a chcete splnit svůj klavírní sen, těším se na setkání s vámi :)
  • Colleges from June 2023
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Music (piano)
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština
Akademie múzických umění v Praze, Hudební a taneční fakulta, Klavír.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Hudba (piano): 1100 CZK. / 45 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sheena Mc
Sheena Mc
Age: 29 years old
I've been working with children and young people for almost ten years, including working with some fantastic online students located in China. Working with children and young people of all ages has been so rewarding. I've travelled as a nanny/au pair and a teacher, working with children around the world, in Australia, Kyrgyzstan, Ireland, the Czech Republic and Denmark. Working with children has given me the chance to meet so many interesting families and young people. I’ve lived and worked with families who speak English, French, Russian, Kyrgyz and Czech and helped them to practice their English.
  • Colleges from June 2023
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
History of Europen Culture, History, English
Languages can teach
TEFL/TESOL, i-to-i TEFL, Teaching English to young learners.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějepis: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějiny evropské kultury: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Gorla Praveen
Gorla Praveen
Age: 28 years old
My name is Praveen Gorla, and I have a graduate degree in Electrical Engineering. I am truly passionate about teaching Mathematics, Physics, and General Sciences for School Students. My tutoring journey began during my undergraduate studies when I designed course structures tailored to the specific needs of students. I believe in creating a pedagogical approach that helps students grasp the concepts effectively. I am committed to guiding students through these subjects, making them engaging and understandable.
  • Colleges from June 2023
  • Years of practice5 years
Physics, Mathematics
Languages can teach
PhD, Electrical Engineering.
Masters, Telecommunication Engineering.
+12, Maths Physics and Science.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Viktor Beseda
Viktor Beseda
Age: 46 years old
Jsem lektor s dlouholetou praxí (viz přiložený životopis). Jsem zvyklý učit jak obecnou, tak obchodní angličtinu, či přípravu na mezinárodní zkoušky. Podle požadavků klienta.
  • Colleges from June 2023
  • Years of practice21 years
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Abhay Pratap
Abhay Pratap
Age: 32 years old
Economics Statistics, Quantitative and Econometrics Tutor: I have experience teaching students from BBK, DCU, ESADE, ESIC, EHL, ICBS, JHU, KCL, KBS, LSE, QMUL, RMIT, RHUL, SUMAS, UCL, UOL, UHOH, UoN, UvA, UCL, UiO, UPenn, our, UOY, VU, WBS, CASS Pitzer, York, Tufts, Brunel, City-UOL, Keio, Glasgow Monash, Waseda, Hohenheim, Bocconi, etc. The payment for the class has to be made through PayPal.  
  • Colleges from July 2023
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice9 years
Economy, Mathematics
Languages can teach
Graduation, University of Delhi, Department of Economics, Economics.
Masters, University of Hyderabad, Economics.
MPhil, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Economics.
PhD Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Economics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Ekonomie: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Matematika: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Economics Statistics: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Jiří Straka
Jiří Straka
Age: 28 years old
Chcete se naučit hrát na klavír zábavně a efektivně? Pak jste na správném místě! Učím děti i dospělé všech úrovní. Nabízím individuální lekce v pohodlí vašeho domova. Mám několikaleté zkušenosti se soukromou výukou a vyučováním na ZUŠ. Ke každé hodině přistupuji individuálně. Cílem mé výuky je vzbudit v žákovi nadšení pro klavír a hudbu obecně.
  • Colleges from July 2023
  • Years of practice11 years
Music (more), Music (piano)
Languages can teach
Janáčkova akademie múzických umění, Konzervatoř Plzeň, Hudební fakulta, klávesových nástrojů, klavír, klavírní pedagogika.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At the students
Prices from:
Hudba (piano): 200 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (více): 200 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Evgenia Gavreva
Evgenia Gavreva
Age: 41 years old
Are you looking for English classes that will focus on YOUR goals and YOUR pace? I offer a wide range of English courses, group and one-to-one, that will help you achieve your most ambitious goals. 14 years of teaching and 3 degrees, including Trinity Diploma in TESOL, enable me to teach fun classes that lead you to tremendous progress. I use the best teaching methods to create unique courses that bring out your potential and teach you real skills for real life. What I teach: - General English, group and one-to-one - Business English - ESP: preparation for a job interview, a trip, a conference etc, different professional spheres - adults A2-C1 - online on Zoom, offline in Prague - my signature C1 vocabulary courses “Spot on!”, “Smart Talk Club”, “Fluency Booster” - A2-B1 grammar and lexis workshops - create interactive self-study courses A2-C1 Why my students enjoy my classes: - customized approach: I adjust the teaching approach, pace, workload, and homework to their needs. - atmosphere of empathy and trust - clear lesson structure and tangible results. - 100% guaranteed progress. All my students note the progress they're making. You'll learn at your own pace, with the study program that suits you, and my feedback and learning tips that will make this journey smooth. I can adapt my teaching style to any student. I have really ambitious students as well as those who learn English as a hobby in a very relaxed manner. If you’re ambitious, we can work hard together and reach a high level quickly. My fastest student mastered 3 levels (A2-B2) within 8 months (4 hours of classes a week + homework). Learning a language is more than just chatting. I have lots of friends who speak English every day, but their level is B1-B2 max. Learning is about putting work in it and getting guidance. I’m more than happy to guide you! I myself learned English in my early 20s from 0 to C1. It took me 3 years, loads of work and a couple of great teachers. If I could do it, you can do it! If learning English is part of your lifestyle, simply a hobby, we’ll have nice conversational classes. But worry not, it’s not just chatter. Each class has a specific aim and a set of activities that lead you to it. But leave the technicalities to me. Enjoy learning and communicating!
  • Colleges from August 2023
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice15 years
Languages can teach
Trinity College, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, TESOL Diploma.
Far Eastern Federal University, Institute of Complementary Vocational Education, English Translator. With distinction.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 550 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Ana Belén
Ana Belén
Age: 24 years old
Why Choose My Spanish Classes? 🎯 🌍 Explore Cultures: Immerse yourself in the vibrant cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. Learn not just the language, but the traditions, music, and art that make them unique. 🗣️ Effective Communication: Gain the confidence to communicate fluently with native speakers. Whether you're traveling, making new friends, or advancing your career, strong language skills are your key to success. 🎓 Personalized Approach: No two learners are the same. That's why my classes are tailored to your learning style and goals. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, I've got you covered. 💡 Engaging Learning: Boredom is not in our vocabulary! Expect interactive lessons filled with exciting activities, games, and real-life conversations. Learning Spanish has never been this fun! 🧠 Boost Your Brainpower: Learning a new language enhances cognitive abilities, sharpens memory, and expands problem-solving skills. You're not just learning a language, you're boosting your brain! 🕒 Flexible Schedule: Your busy life shouldn't hold you back from learning. Choose from flexible class timings that fit perfectly into your routine. Online classes bring the classroom to you. 🌈 Your Language Adventure Begins Here: From mastering the basics to speaking like a pro, your journey to Spanish fluency starts with me. Join my class today and let's create Spanish success together. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enrich your life with the beauty of the Spanish language. Contact me today to learn more and reserve your spot!
  • Colleges from August 2023
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Languages can teach
English and Spanish
Degree, Philosophy and Letters, History.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Online kurzy španělštiny: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Výuka španělštiny tváří v tvář: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
španělština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Kateřina Žáková
Kateřina Žáková
Age: 43 years old
Ráda učím na klavír děti i dospělé. Často u klavíru i zpíváme. Ráda budu učit i děti s jakýmkoli znevýhodněním. Připravuji dospělé na pedagogickou dráhu (MŠ, ZŠ), kde potřebují hru na klavír a zpěv.
  • Colleges from September 2023
  • Years of practice12 years
Music (piano), Music (singing)
Languages can teach
DAMU, Akademie sociálního umění, léčebná pedagogika, soukromé hodiny od profesorky z konzervatoře, divadelní, hudba, klavír, zpěv.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home (Nová Ves nad Popelkou 240)
Prices from:
Hudba (zpěv): 300 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (piano): 300 CZK. / 45 min.
Marie Berezina
Marie Berezina
Age: 29 years old
Přináším češtinu pro dospělé a děti od roku 2021. Učila jsem cizinci na Univerzitě Palackého v Olomouci, momentálně spolupracuji s Karlovou univerzitou. Nabízím komfortní výuku pro začátečníky a pokročilé.
  • Colleges from September 2023
  • Years of practice3 years
Languages can teach
čeština, ruština
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Filozofická fakulta, Česká filologie.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Daria Krylova
Daria Krylova
Age: 24 years old
  • Colleges from September 2023
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
History, Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, Angličtina, Ruština
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií, Orální historie - soudobé dějiny.
Moskevská státní univerzita, Historická fakulta, České soudobé dějiny.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějepis: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Mohamed Bensalem
Mohamed Bensalem
Age: 36 years old
PhD degree holder and have experience in engineering in Europe. I would like to push capacities of students in mathematics, physics and languages (French and Arabic). I have several experiences in teaching from secondary to university students.
  • Colleges from September 2023
  • Years of practice8 years
Arabian, French, Mathematics
Languages can teach
PhD, University of Bordeaux, Mechanics & Energetics.
MSc, University of Bordeaux, Mechanics & Energetics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Francouzský: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Arabština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Noela Kapidani
Noela Kapidani
Age: 35 years old
Personalized lessons tailored to your individual needs. Extensive training in both Classical and Pop genres. Practical tips and techniques to enhance your playing skills. Thorough grounding in music theory to boost your understanding of compositions.
  • Colleges from September 2023
  • Years of practice13 years
Pedagogics, Music (piano)
Languages can teach
Anglicky, Cesky, Spanelsky, Italsky, Albansky
Hudedni vychova - Hra na klavir, Pedagogicka fakulta, Specializace v pedagogice.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Hudba (piano): 1000 CZK. / 45 min.
Pedagogika: 1000 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Yelena Zubova
Yelena Zubova
Age: 46 years old
My working experience is more than 20 years. Totoring. Also I have working experience in international companies such as: DuPont, Miele, British American Tobacoo, Oppo, Pfizer etc. I use unique methodology, as well as an individual approach to each student!
  • Colleges from October 2023
  • Years of practice21 years
Languages can teach
Russian English
KZ Institute, KZ Institute of Language and Translation, English Language / translator.
certificate TEFL/TESOL.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
William Lytle
William Lytle
Age: 24 years old
🇬🇧 Hello! My name is William Lytle, and I’m a 6th year med student at First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. I'm Half Czech, Half American, so I have some good experience working in both languages :) In terms of teaching experience, I’ve taught Medical Biophyics (for Medical students), English Language (at a School for mostly foreign students/ESL), English Literature and Poetry (as a private tutor) and First Aid, so I’ve been teaching people for roughly 3 years now. I did the IB during High school so I also have experience with: Chemistry (Higher Level), Biology (Higher Level), Philosophy (Standard Level), Mathematics (Standard Level) English Language and Literature (Standard Level) Latin (Higher Level), I also have a lot of experience writing and editing essays, especially in the context of British Educational systems. I’m also consider my self a (relatively) fast learner, so I’m happy to learn extra material well enough to help you with whatever academic challenge you might have :) My first lesson will always be free, just as an introductory meeting, to understand what you need help with and to see if I can help to your satisfaction. So feel free to reach out and we can figure something out :) /🇨🇿 - Ahoj! Jmenuji se William Lytle a jsem studentem 6. ročníku medicíny na 1. lékařské fakultě Univerzity Karlovy :) Pokud jde o pedagogickou praxi, učil jsem lékařskou biofyziku (pro studenty medicíny), anglický jazyk (ve škole pro převážně zahraniční studenty/ESL), anglickou literaturu a poezii (jako soukromý učitel) a první pomoc, takže učím celkem už zhruba 3 roky. jsem dělal jsem IB (International Baccalaureate) během střední školy, takže mám také zkušenosti s: Chemii (vyšší úroveň), Biologii (vyšší úroveň), Filozofii (standardní úroveň), Matematikou (standardní úroveň) Anglickým jazykem a literaturou (standardní úroveň) Latinou (vyšší úroveň), Mám také mnoho zkušeností s psaním a editací esejů, zejména v kontextu britských vzdělávacích systémů. Také se považuji za (relativně) rychle se učícího, takže jsem rád, že se naučím extra materiál dostatečně dobře, abych vám pomohl s jakoukoli akademickou výzvou, kterou můžete mít :) Moje první hodina bude vždy zdarma, jen jako úvodní schůzka, abych pochopil, s čím potřebujete pomoci a jestli vám mohu pomoci k vaší spokojenosti. Tak se klidně ozvěte a něco vymyslíme :)
  • Colleges from October 2023
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Geography, History of Europen Culture, Music (singing), Chemistry, Biology, English, Rhetoric, Philosophy
Languages can teach
Angličtina/ English
6. Ročník Všeobecné lékařství, 1. Lékařská Fakulta, Univerzita Karlova.
International Baccalaureate, Haileybury Imperial Service College.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Filozofie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Rétorika: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (zpěv): 400 CZK. / 45 min.
Dějiny umění: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějiny evropské kultury: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Zeměpis: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Kateryna Feshchenko
Kateryna Feshchenko
Age: 25 years old
My name is Kateryna. I am a tutor in English, Czech, and Turkish. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I obtained my bachelor's degree in the Czech Republic. Both my C1 level proficiency in English and Turkish are attested to by the diplomas I possess. I also have a total of 9 years of experience living and communicating with native speakers of these languages. In addition to fostering a warm and inviting environment, I provide each pupil with individualised attention.
  • Colleges from October 2023
  • Applied: 12 student(s)
English, German, Russian, Czech, Turkish
Languages can teach
Angličtina, Čeština, Turečtina, Ukrajinština, Ruština
Bakalářský titul, Ekonomie, Mezinárodní obchod.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
English/Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Germanfor beginners/Němčina pro začátečníky: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Czech/Čeština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Turkish/Turečtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Turečtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Romain Vallée
Romain Vallée
Age: 48 years old
Bonjour ! I am a native speaker with a Master’s degree in FLE (professional diploma in teaching French as a foreign language) and I have been teaching French for over 20 years. During my career, I had the opportunity to work in different types of establishments such as primary schools, middle schools, high schools, universities but also international schools, "alliances françaises", French institutes, companies and embassies. I have taught in France, the United States and the Czech Republic to all age groups, from children to adults. My courses follow a specific and detailed plan composed of different thematic units. Each unit contains listening and reading comprehension, grammar and vocabulary exercises and a brief introduction to French civilization and culture. I can help you with general French, grammar, conversation, business French and preparation for exams. Feel free to contact me for further information. I'll be happy to answer all your questions :-)
  • Colleges from October 2023
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice22 years
Languages can teach
French & English
Master’s degree in FLE (professional diploma in teaching French as a foreign language), Université du Maine, FLE.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Francouzský: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anna Safronova
Anna Safronova
Age: 22 years old
Hallo! Mein Name ist Anna. Ursprünglich komme ich aus Russland, aber seit einem Jahr stuidiere ich im Deutschkurs an der Universität Salzburg in Österreich. Ich habe Gefallen an Sprachen und dieses Studium macht mir Spaß. Als eine Person, die Deutsch als Muttersprsche nicht haben, verfüge ich sonst über Vorteile. Z.B., ich kann Ihnen viele Tipps geben, wie Sie schneller Grammatik lernen können, oder wie es am besten ist, an Aussprache zu arbeiten, oder was Sie machen sollen, um das Verständnis des Dialekts zu verbessern. Während diese kurze Zeit, die ich in Österreich verbracht habe, habe ich auch viele Unterschiede im Charakter und im Lenebensstil gemerkt. Also, auf jeden Fall finden wir etwas, worüber zu sprechen!
  • Colleges from October 2023
  • Years of practice1 years
Languages can teach
deutsch/ German
Deutsche Sprache, Germanistik, Germanistik.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Sofia Astakhov
Sofia Astakhov
Age: 37 years old
Reliable and experienced teacher
  • Colleges from November 2023
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice18 years
Music (piano), Music (more)
Languages can teach
Englisch, german, russian
Music academy, Diplom, Music Academy in Munich and Freiburg, Clarinet, Piano.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At the students
Prices from:
Hudba (piano): 800 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (více): 800 CZK. / 45 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Tho Nguyen Phuoc
Tho Nguyen Phuoc
Age: 27 years old
I am a lecturer at the Mathematics department of the University of Ostrava
  • Colleges from November 2023
  • Years of practice6 years
Languages can teach
English and Vietnamese
Phd student at University of Ostrava, Mathematics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Barbora Břízová
Barbora Břízová
Age: 33 years old
Zdravím Vás, jmenuji se Barbora a studuji BA studium se zaměřením na Voice Performance na jedné z nejprestižnějších hudebních škol na světě, na Berklee Colleague of Music. Zpěv je mojí vášní, životním stylem, něčím, co naplňuje můj život a velmi ráda toto sdílím se svými studenty. Jsem schopná Vám poskytnout výuku nejnovějších technik ve výuce zpěvu. Vše se zaměřením na žáka. Na jeho vkus, hudební cítění, hlasový potenciál. V prostředí, kde se bude cítit bezpečně a budeme společně budovat jeho sebedůvěru. Hodiny jsou vhodné pro začátečníky i pokročilé. Pro zkušené zpěváky, kteří chtějí svůj hlas posunout na novou úroveň, pro studenty, kteří chtějí připravit na hudební soutěže či na přijímací zkoušky na konzervatoř, tak pro všechny, kteří chtějí zpívat pro radost a pro své vlastní potěšení. Intonace, Rytmus, nejmodernější pěvecké techniky v popu, rocku, blues... s důrazem na hlasovou hygienu a zdraví hlasu. Jsem schopná poskytnout poradenství pro zpívání v Angličtině se správnou dikcí a výslovností, konzultace vlastní tvorby, anglického textu. Budu se na Vás těšit
  • Colleges from December 2023
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice2 years
Music (more), Music (piano), Music (singing), English
Languages can teach
Čeština, Angličtina
Studium Bc.A, Berklee Colleague of Music, Voice Performance.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (zpěv): 650 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (piano): 500 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (více): 500 CZK. / 45 min.
Hradec Kralove
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Natallia Dzehtsiarenka
Natallia Dzehtsiarenka
Age: 51 years old
Nabízím individuální výuku matematiky. Příprava na přijímací zkoušky na střední školu a gymnázium. Výuka probíhá v kancelářských prostorách,ne doma. Lekci je možné vést i se dvěma žáky současně, v tomto případě se na ceně za hodinu domluvíme .
  • Colleges from January 2024
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice30 years
Languages can teach
Ruský jazyk, česká a anglická matematická terminologie
Diplom vydaný Běloruskou státní univerzitou 24.6.1994, Fakulta mechaniky a matematiky BSU, Minsk, Učitelství a Matematika.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home (Praha, metro Hůrka, Centrum Hůrka)
Prices from:
Matematika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Filip Frodl
Filip Frodl
Age: 34 years old
Konzervatoř Jaroslava Ježka - klavír (klasika, jazz) a kompozice, MC JAMU Brno (klavírní pedagogika), týdenní pobyt na University of North Texas - College of Music (USA), masterclass (O. Pivec, A. Vlasáková), pedag. praxe 9 let (ZUŠ, soukromá výuka), Biskupské gymnázium, ÖSD Zertifikat Deutsch B1
  • Colleges from January 2024
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice9 years
Music (piano)
Languages can teach
Čeština, English, Deutsch
Konzervatoř Jaroslava Ježka, Klavír, Kompozice.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At the students
Prices from:
Hudba (piano): 390 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Olga Kendall
Olga Kendall
Age: 52 years old
Mám dlouholetou praxi s výukou cizích jazyků (angličtina, ruština, čeština) na Jihočeské univerzitě, v VŠTE. Pravidelně učím firemní kurzy. Mou specializaci je konverzace.
  • Colleges from January 2024
English, Russian, Czech
Languages can teach
angličtina, čestina, ruština
vysokoškolské, Petrohradská univerzita, filologická fakulta - anglický a český jazyky, vyučující angličtiny, ruštiny, češtiny.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 550 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 550 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 550 CZK. / 60 min.
Ceske Budejovice
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Age: 61 years old
SKLADATEL - převážně dětské písničky. Soukromá výuka v ZUŠ Zbraslav
  • Colleges from January 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice30 years
Music (piano)
Languages can teach
Konzervatoř Praha, klavír.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At home (Opata Konráda 1196, Praha5-Zbraslav, 15600)
Prices from:
Hudba (piano): 500 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Denisa Polaková
Denisa Polaková
Age: 40 years old
Věnuji se individuální a skupinové ONLINE VÝUCE ŠPANĚLŠTINY se zaměřením na KONVERZACI. Nabízím efektivně vedené online lekce španělštiny pro děti i dospělé, online kurzy i konverzace po telefonu, díky kterým se každý naučí mluvit španělsky. Lekce koncipuji tak, abys své získané znalosti ve španělštině mohl/a prakticky využít. Zároveň je optimálně tvořím na základě tvých potřeb. VHODNÉ I PRO ÚPLNÉ ZAČÁTEČNÍKY! V ČEM JSOU MÉ LEKCE SPECIFICKÉ? JAK UČÍM? Konverzace vedu v přátelském, podporujícím duchu, aby sis prolomil/a komunikační bariéry a nebál/a ses mluvit a improvizovat, i když děláš chyby. Lekce tvořím na míru každému studentovi. V ceně za výuku jsou i STUDIJNÍ MATERIÁLY na online vzdělávací platformě QUIZLET a HLASOVÉ ZPRÁVY přes aplikaci WHATSAPP mezi lekcemi. PROČ SI VYBRAT PRÁVĚ MĚ?:-) • Jsem trpělivá, empatická a přátelská. • Mám bohaté zkušenosti s výukou španělštiny. • Jsem držitelkou certifikátu Státní jazyková zkouška všeobecná ze španělského jazyka úroveň C1.  • Mám za sebou mnohaletý pobyt ve Španělsku: Andalusie, Katalánsko, Baleárské ostrovy - Mallorca, Kanárské ostrovy - Tenerife (8 let). JAKÉ VÝUKOVÉ METODY A NÁSTROJE POUŽÍVÁM?  • KOMUNIKATIVNÍ FORMU VÝUKY umožňující studentům si přirozeně zautomatizovat nové fráze, slovíčka, gramatiku i hovorové výrazy. • KONVERZAČNÍ TÉMATA VE FORMĚ DIALOGŮ, jenž simulují reálné situace. Se slovní zásobou, frázemi a gramatikou spojenou s tématem. • AUDIONAHRÁVKY RODILÝCH MLUVČÍCH pro porozumění poslechu. • HLASOVÉ ZPRÁVY PŘES APLIKACI WHATSAPP, jenž umožňují studentům trénovat poslech a vyjadřování ve španělštině i mezi lekcemi. • QUIZLET - VZDĚLÁVACÍ ONLINE PLATFORMU, na které mají studenti po každé lekci k dispozici studijní materiál na míru - nová slovíčka a fráze na elektronických kartičkách i s poslechem. Funguje i jako mobilní aplikace.   
  • Colleges from January 2024
  • Years of practice14 years
Languages can teach
Vysokoškolské, Filozofická fakulta, romanistika, Španělština ve sféře podnikání.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
španělština: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Radek Šišma
Radek Šišma
Age: 22 years old
Rád s vámi budu sdílet své zkušenosti, které jsem získal během učení cizích jazyků.
  • Colleges from January 2024
  • Years of practice2 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
čeština, ruština, polština, angličtina
student vysoké školy, mám vystudované gymnázium.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Maryam Cheraghi
Maryam Cheraghi
Age: 25 years old
Hello everyone, this is Maryam a 25year oldedical student currently residing in prague.im enthusiastic,punctual and trying to a enhance a better understanding of biology as I've been studying in English for the past 6years .
  • Colleges from January 2024
  • Years of practice5 years
Persian, Biology, English
Languages can teach
English, farsi
Phd, Medicine.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Perština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Verena Meier
Verena Meier
Age: 27 years old
I am originally from Austria but living in Prague for 2 years now. I can give lessons in German, which is my native language, and in English. Due to my job and my education, which was a full-english study programme (masters + PhD), I became fluent in English. I am giving language lessons since I was in school and continued during my whole studies. Therefore, I could already collect a lot of experience in working with students from the age of primary school until upper level high school. I can give in-person lessons as well as online courses. I would be happy if you contact me and we can arrange a meeting! :)
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice11 years
German, English
Languages can teach
English, German
PhD, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Geology.
Gymansium, Realgymnasium Gleisdorf, Austria, Chemistry, Biology, Physics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sofiia Volobuieva
Sofiia Volobuieva
Age: 22 years old
Snadným a dostupným způsobem vysvětlím diskrétní matematiku, matematickou analýzu, analytickou geometrii, geometrii, diferenciální rovnice, algebru, lineární algebru, školní matematiku, analytickou geometrii, lidskou matematiku, výpočetní matematiku, geometrii, diskrétní matematiku, diferenciální geometrii, diferenciály , Inshe (Matematická) , Kombinatorika, Lineární algebra, Matematická logika, Matematická statistika, Matematická fyzika, Mat. ekonomické metody, Základy teorie systémů, Matematická analýza, Matematické modelování, Aplikovaná matematika, Teorie pravděpodobnosti, Teorie násobností, Funkcionální analýza, Školská matematika, Ekonomické a matematické metody
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Languages can teach
rusky, ukrajinsky
Karazin University, MexMat, Matematika.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Alexandra G.
Alexandra G.
Age: 46 years old
Hello, I offer online classical lessons for adults and children (9 years +), which include all aspects of studying language. I also have conversational lessons (250/60m). iIt’s for students A2+, who want to be more fluently and don’t want to focus on grammar.
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Languages can teach
English, Slovak, Russian
Saint Petersburg State University, Modern teacher of Russian as foreign language.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 420 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Hanna Sytsko
Hanna Sytsko
Age: 24 years old
Vyučuji technickou češtinu na úrovni B1 s důrazem na profesionální slovní zásobu v oblastech chemie, fyziky a matematiky. Matematiku pro základní školu vyučuji s cílem připravit žáky na přijímací zkoušky po ukončení 9. třídy. V oblasti fyziky se snažím o interaktivní a zajímavý přístup, který podněcuje žáky k aktivnímu zapojení do učení.
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice2 years
Physics, Czech, Russian, Mathematics
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština, angličtina
VŠCHT, Fakulta chemicko-inženýrská, Nano a mikrotechnologie v chemickém inženýrství.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Katerina Vlasiuk
Katerina Vlasiuk
Age: 41 years old
10 years of teaching at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Medical University. More than 20 years of individual classes. Individual approach to everyone. Listening to the student's requests and taking into account the individuality of the person, I build the lessons to their needs and abilities. Trying to make an hour of a student's life as informative and positive as possible. We analyze movies, TV series, sing songs (singing at will))). We discuss life current topics, taking into account the interests of the student.
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice19 years
Languages can teach
Ukrainian, Russian
Poltava national pedagogical university, Philological, Foreign languages.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Dastan Kubatbekov
Dastan Kubatbekov
Age: 22 years old
Učím biologii/chemii k přijímacím zkouškám na lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy . Jsem studentem 2.ročníku 3.lf a pomůžu vám dostat se na medicínu :)
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Chemistry, Biology, Czech
Languages can teach
Angličtina, Ruština, Čeština
Student, 3.lékařská fakulta.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Český: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Jana Synkova
Jana Synkova
Age: 45 years old
Hello, My name is Jana and I am a teacher of Czech and English. Jmenuji se Jana a jsem učitelka Češtiny pro cizince a také učitelka Angličtiny s certifikací TEFL.
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Years of practice8 months
Czech, English
Languages can teach
anglictina, cestina
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 550 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 550 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Nataliia Bohdanova
Nataliia Bohdanova
Age: 49 years old
Od roku 2007 učím studenty, připravuji je na přijetí na vysoké školy, olympiády a zvyšuji jejich znalosti v oblasti botaniky, zoologie, anatomie, fyziologie a genetiky. Mám tři vlastní webové stránky pro usnadnění učení a při své práci využívám i výukové materiály a prezentace. Kromě vzdělání učitelky biologie absolvovala postgraduální studium na Bogomolets Institute of Physiology Akademie věd Ukrajiny se specializací na biofyziku (molekulární fyziologie).
  • Colleges from March 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice17 years
Languages can teach
ruština a ukrajinština
Národní Pedagogická univerzita pojmenovaná po M.P. Drahomanová, řírodovědecká fakulta, katedra biologie, učitel biologie.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Biologie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Jana Zíková
Jana Zíková
Age: 46 years old
Výuka češtiny pro cizince, doučování češtiny a angličtiny
  • Colleges from March 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice20 years
Czech, English
Languages can teach
čeština, angličtina
UK Praha, PedF, učitelství ČJ, AJ, OV.
Lektorský kurz češtiny pro cizince.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Amir Khan
Amir Khan
Age: 32 years old
I can teach computer Science & Mathematics upto High School in English
  • Colleges from March 2024
  • Years of practice9 years
Languages can teach
English, Hindi, Urdu
Master Degree, HSE, Health Safety & Environment.
Bachelor of Engineering, Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Simo D.
Simo D.
Age: 42 years old
Ciao! My name is Simone, I am from Italy and I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced Italian language teacher with 15+ experience in the private and institutional sectors. In the Czech Republic, I had the honor to support a member of the Czech National Bank, providing tailored Italian language instruction to meet specific needs. My role involved developing and implementing effective language programs, fostering a positive and engaging learning environment, and adapting my teaching methods to accommodate various learning styles. My passion for language instruction extends beyond the classroom, as I am committed to promoting cultural understanding through effective communication. I firmly believe in the power of language to bridge gaps and facilitate meaningful connections. I am currently exploring new opportunities to share my expertise and contribute to language education. Thank you for considering my introduction and I can't wait to work with You! Frequently Asked Questions How easy is it to learn Italian in Prague? With motivation, dedication, and consistency, it will be easy! Is Italian easy to learn? Si :)) Italian is often considered relatively easy for English speakers to learn due to its straightforward pronunciation, consistent spelling, and similarity to English vocabulary. However, individual experiences vary, and factors such as dedication and practice play significant roles in language acquisition.
  • Colleges from March 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Italian, Music (more)
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
italština: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (více): 750 CZK. / 45 min.
Saeed ul Abrar
Saeed ul Abrar
Age: 36 years old
I am Saeed I am from Pakistan currently expat in UAE
  • Colleges from March 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Chemistry, Biology
Languages can teach
Hazara University, Masters of science, Biochemistry.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Biologie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Oleksandr Fedorenko
Oleksandr Fedorenko
Age: 58 years old
vystudoval Narodni hudebni akademii. Kyjiv. Solista operni divadla a divadla operetni
  • Colleges from March 2024
  • Years of practice20 years
Music (singing)
Languages can teach
vysokoškolske, vokalni, operni zpev.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Hudba (zpěv): 500 CZK. / 45 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Hoshyar Omidi
Hoshyar Omidi
Age: 50 years old
Electrical Engineer with more than 20 years of tutoring experience in Mathematics and the best way in Persian.
  • Colleges from April 2024
  • Years of practice32 years
Persian, Mathematics
Languages can teach
Persian, English
Master Education: Electrical Engineering, Shiraz University of Technology, with nostrification in the Czech Republic.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Perština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Age: 36 years old
I have graduated as engineer then obtained my Master and doctorate diploma in Mechanics & Energetics. I live in Prague since 2 years and I would like to share in simple and easy way courses in maths from high school to university, physics from secondary school to high school and French and English for the language lovers.
  • Colleges from April 2024
  • Years of practice7 years
Arabian, Physics, French, English, Mathematics
Languages can teach
French, English, Arabic
Doctorate (phD), University of Bordeaux, Mechanics and Energetics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Francouzský: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Arabština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Laylo Buranova
Laylo Buranova
Age: 22 years old
I am the teacher who will make something cool, terribly interesting and unreal out of boring studies.
  • Colleges from April 2024
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 months
Biology, Russian, English, Environment, Mathematics
Languages can teach
Russian English
-, -, -.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Ekologie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Elena Shevchuk
Elena Shevchuk
Age: 32 years old
ahoj, jmenuji se Olena - lektorka matematiky, algebry a geometrie. Jsem certifikovaný specialista a mistr. Mám vlastní metodu výuky. Učím v ukrajinštině. pokud je třída online, používám grafický tablet a ukázku své obrazovky. Za hlavní považuji chuť se učit, ne úroveň dosavadních znalostí. Pomohu vám naučit se rozumět předmětu, strukturujeme již nabyté znalosti, naučíme vás nová témata, rozvineme logiku, připravíme se na testy a zkoušky. Čekám na vás na mých hodinách
  • Colleges from April 2024
  • Years of practice10 years
Languages can teach
ukrajinský jazyk
Vysokoškolské, mistr, fyzika.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
šachy: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Beata Szavcsuk
Beata Szavcsuk
Age: 29 years old
Government education: 2011-2015 College Culture & Arts - chef of choir, opera singer and event organiser 🗂️ 2017-2019 Variety vocal, BACHELOR , teaching and performing art 🚨 Private education: 2018 - Set Riggs course and vocal Anatomy in USA 🇺🇸 2020 - all set of Cheryl Porter courses - Melismatic course Olga Klein - Courses by Worldwide Stars as Christina Aguilera, Mariah Carey, Alicia Keys - Biophonic by Karina Kuper - Songwriting by Berkeley 2021 - vocal figures EVT, CVT vocal courses 2022- Vocal Rehabilitation ESTILL VOICE course 2023 - ICF Life Coaching (psychology education) 2023 - Songwriting and Music production In Manchester, England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 2024 - master-classes “Belting”, “High notes and Individual sound” by Natalia Shepelenko 2024 - Extreme Vocal Technique by Yana Sabada 🔥4K Forum of modern music & singing pedagogy by @nataliyashepelenko & @vale.levchenko 🎙️Performing Tour: 2016-2017 worked as singer in Turkey 🇹🇷 2018 - 2019 between studying worked as singer in Dubaj, Vienna, Budapest, Burbank, LA 🇺🇸 2019-2022 - international performances, vocal coach in Prague, Czech 🇨🇿 🔥2023 - Eurovision contest interval performer and choir coach “Podillya” 2022-2024 - international performances and vocal coach in England, Manchester City 🌆 NOWADAYS 🔥 I back to Czech Republic 🇨🇿 I am coaching, producing new music and help other artists rise up. Opposite ℹ organise Master-Classes and concerts, so-working with international singing teacher association in Kyiv 🔥 #savbea #savbeasinger #savbeacoach #pragavocalcoach #vocalcoachprague #singinglessonsprague #praguesinginlessons
  • Colleges from May 2024
  • Years of practice6 years
Music (more), Music (singing)
Languages can teach
English, Czech
European Universities, Music production, Variety vocal, Jazz singing.
Academy of art and music, Classic music, Event organisation, Classic singer, conducting, organising events.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Singing for Kids 4-6 group: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Adult singing: 1000 CZK. / 60 min.
Adult singing group: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (zpěv): 400 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (více): 200 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Jana Krčková
Jana Krčková
Age: 40 years old
Izuchenie cheshskogo yazika vseh urovney (A1-S1). Podgotovka k ekzamenam dlya postupleniya v vuz. Razgorovniy kurs. Dolgosrochnie i intensivnie kursi. Specializirovannie kursi: delovoy, tehnicheskiy, dlya vrachey. Sovremennie cheshskie uchebniki v elektronnom vide. Individualniy podhod k kajdomu studentu. Pomosch i konsultacii v vibore vuza i podache dokumentov v vuzi (nostrifikaciya (priznanie) rezultatov EGE ili diplomov). Zaverenniy perevod vse dokumentov na cheshskiy s pechatyu.
  • Colleges from May 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice16 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
ruský, český
vysokoškolské, UPOL, Filozofická fakulta, katedra rusistiky, překladatel.
vysokoškolské, UK, Filozofická, ÚČJTK, učitel českého jazyka jako cizího.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Tomas Suchel
Tomas Suchel
Age: 42 years old
I’ve been an English teacher in Asia for over 12 years. I have over 30 students weekly. English native speaker, Czech speaker, Mandarin speaker. I take pride in keeping my class fun and consistent. Focus/Specialty: READING, PHONICS, COMPREHENSION. Beginner to advanced. Ages 5-12
  • Colleges from May 2024
  • Years of practice13 years
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Ian Call
Ian Call
Age: 27 years old
My name is Ian and I am originally from the US, currently living in Prague. I have my TEFL Certification for teaching English as a foreign language, as well as experience as a guitar and drum teacher. I am enthusiastic about teaching, as well as learning!
  • Colleges from June 2024
  • Years of practice13 years
Music (more), English
Languages can teach
General Education Diploma.
TEFL Certification, International TEFL Academy.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (více): 500 CZK. / 45 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Nithya Murugan
Nithya Murugan
Age: 27 years old
Hello! I'm Nithya, and I'm thrilled to offer my tutoring services in a variety of subjects that I am passionate about and well-versed in. Growing up, English, History, and Geography were my favorite subjects. These interests have only deepened over time, and I can't wait to share my enthusiasm and knowledge with you! With a background in Mechanical Engineering, I bring a strong foundation in Mathematics, making complex concepts more approachable and enjoyable for my students. My engineering experience ensures that I can teach Math with practical insights and real-world applications. In addition to my love for Math, I initially pursued a degree in Environmental Science at CTU. Unfortunately, the department closed due to COVID-19, leading me to switch to Robotics. This journey has given me a unique perspective on the environment and technology, which I incorporate into my tutoring sessions. I'm also skilled in Informatics and Speech Therapy, providing comprehensive support across these fields. Whether you're looking to improve your English, master historical facts, understand our environment, or enhance your speech abilities, I'm here to help. My goal is to make learning a positive and engaging experience. Let's explore the wonders of knowledge together and achieve your academic goals! Looking forward to working with you, Nithya
  • Colleges from June 2024
  • Years of practice4 years
Speech therapist, Physics, Biology, English, Environment, Mathematics, Informatics
Languages can teach
Bachelor's, Mechanical, Engineering.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Informatika: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Matematika: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Ekologie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Logoped: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Aleksandr Karasevich
Aleksandr Karasevich
Age: 20 years old
Second-year Student at the University of Totoronto, specializing in quantum physics and applied maths
  • Colleges from June 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice1 years
Physics, Mathematics
Languages can teach
English, Russian
University of Tronto, Arts and Science, Bachelors of Physics and Applied Mathematics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Pavel Chen
Pavel Chen
Age: 20 years old
Studuju na MUNI, obor chemie. Nabízím doučování z předmětů chemie, matematika. Výuka bude probíhat v ruštině. Mužu pomoct se školním programem i při přípravě na zkoušky.
  • Colleges from June 2024
  • Years of practice4 years
Chemistry, Mathematics
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Nani Thomas
Nani Thomas
Age: 45 years old
I am a friendly and efficient teacher who can help you learn anything in Mathematics, Science, and English.
  • Colleges from June 2024
  • Years of practice19 years
Chemistry, Physics, Biology, English, Mathematics
Languages can teach
PhD, University of Missouri - Columbia, Physical Chemistry.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Linda Zauner
Linda Zauner
Age: 31 years old
Ciao a tutti! Sono Linda, qui oggi per condividere la mia passione per l'insegnamento dell'italiano. Con oltre tre anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento della lingua, offro lezioni personalizzate adatte alle tue esigenze e al tuo stile di apprendimento. Dalle lezioni vivaci per i principianti, alle conversazioni coinvolgenti per gli intermedi, fino alle sfide linguistiche per i più avanzati, ho le risorse per guidarti lungo il percorso di apprendimento. Ti aiuterò a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi linguistici, sia che tu stia imparando per motivi personali, professionali o di viaggio. Prenota ora una lezione e scopri quanto può essere divertente imparare l'italiano! Grazie per avermi ascoltato e a presto!
  • Colleges from July 2024
  • Years of practice3 years
Languages can teach
bachelor, Accademy of fine arts, Set Design.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
italština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Katsiaryna Barannikava
Katsiaryna Barannikava
Age: 21 years old
Ahoj, jmenuji se Katsiaryna a jsem lektorkou biologie a chemie. Specializuji se na přípravu k nostrifikaci a přijímacím zkouškám na medicínské obory. Mám bohaté zkušenosti v této oblasti a hodně pozitivních recenzi od svých studentů. Jsem přesvědčená, že dokážu navázat kontakt se svými studenty a pomoci jim dosáhnout jejich studijních cílů.
  • Colleges from August 2024
  • Years of practice2 years
Chemistry, Biology
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština
4. Ročník Všeobecné lékařství, Lékařská Fakulta v Plzni, Univerzita Karlova..
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Alina Říha
Alina Říha
Age: 33 years old
Klavíristka a cembalistka, pedagogicky působím na konzervatoři. Nabízím učení klavíru, hudební nauky a klavírní doprovod.
  • Colleges from August 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice16 years
Music (more), Music (piano)
Languages can teach
Ruština, Čeština
HAMU, Hudební, Cembalo.
Pražská konzervatoř, Klavír.
Krasnojarská vysoká škola hudební a divadelní, Klavír.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At home (Praha 6)
Prices from:
Hudba (piano): 600 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (více): 600 CZK. / 45 min.
Tetiana Homel
Tetiana Homel
Age: 24 years old
2023 - English teacher (Business & General) in a private school in Brno. 2023 - TEFL 180 hours Level 5; Course "How to teach speaking" by British Council. 2022 - Student (MUNI): English language and literature. 2021 - Bachelor's degree: English Language and Literature (VSPU) 2018 - English tutor
  • Colleges from September 2024
  • Years of practice6 years
Languages can teach
English, Czech, Russian, Ukrainian
VSPU, Fakulta cizích jazyků, Germánské jazyky a literatury. Překladatel z angličtiny do ukrajinštiny. Učitel angličtiny a německých jazyků a literatur..
MUNI, Filozofická fakulta, Anglický jazyk a literatura.
TEFL 180 hours Level 5, Ofqual, English Teacher.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Roman Podymov
Roman Podymov
Age: 31 years old
Jsem iOS/tvOS vývojář. Pracuji jako programátor uz 10 let. Teď bych chtěl doučovat programování. Objective-C, Swift, C, C++, QT.
  • Colleges from September 2024
  • Years of practice2 years
Languages can teach
čeština, angličtina, ruština, ukrajinština
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Informatika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Tomas Antl
Tomas Antl
Age: 36 years old
Jsem vzděláním Biolog, pracoval jsem v laboratoři a i business prostředí. Témata: Biologie, Ekologie, Molekulární biologie, Sekvence DNA, Analýzy genomu
  • Colleges from September 2024
  • Years of practice8 months
Chemistry, Biology, Czech, Environment
Languages can teach
Czech, English
Msc, PřFUK, Biology, Molecular biology.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Ekologie: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Conditions and registration

The aim of our website is to be a tool of interaction between students and tutors in Czech Republic. Teachers fill in the form with information about them, students choose one of them.
We tried to make our website multifunctional: here you can find a tutor of any subject,from mathematics to ecology. The full list is available in the appropriate section. 
The website is translated to three languages: Russian,Czech, English – you can choose the language, which is suitable for you. There is a possibilty to register, not only for a teacher, but also for a student. We don’t ask money for our services. You can find a tutor for children and adults yourself, or with a help of our employees.

The need of tutor

The tutor might be needed in different situations : missed classes, gaps in knowlege, the wish to prepare for the exam. It is hardly possible to list all reasons.

  • The advantages of the lessons with a tutor is that it is individual. The teacher works only with you, not with a lot of students at once. This kind of program can be adjected according to your skills and knowledge.All gaps are being filled, but  you are not paying attention to the things that are known already. 
  • Sometimes only a tutor can help you to prepare for the university entrance exams.  Specific character of the entance exams can confuse even the talented student. A teacher can help to understand all details.  

The database for searching tutors

We are not this type of  a website, which allows every person to publish information about him. All applications are being checked. We check people’s education and teaching practice. Each teacher has to present the documents, that prove his education.
We have lots of teachers, so you can find a teacher in Prague and in another city in Czech Republic, according to the style, character or price of the tutor.  Just look at the options. Thank to the user-friendly option to sort the teachers according to the subject and the place of  studies, you will immediately find a teacher for you.
Good luck!

We invite tutors to register on our website

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