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Looking for chemistry tutors in Czech republic

Mustafa Saad
Mustafa Saad
Age: 30 years old
Currently, I am an international student at Charles university first faculty of medicine, second-year. I have tutored students and my peers in several chemistry fields. I am passionate about improving students levels, especially whom they are not interested in chemistry or won't give it a chance. I think I'm a patient person who can fit this challenge.
  • Colleges from February 2019
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
American University of Beirut , Faculty of Art and Science , chemistry degree.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Chemie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemistry : 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anahita Vasudev
Anahita Vasudev
Age: 27 years old
I'm a medical doctor, graduated from the First Faculty of Medicine, Charles univesity, Prague. My high school education is an IB diploma where my high level subjects were biology, chemistry and economics. I've been tutoring for 7 years. Mostly for IGCSE, A levels, IB and help out in medschool entrance exam preparation. Hoping to hear from you soon :)
  • Colleges from November 2019
  • Applied: 25 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 years
Chemistry, Biology
Languages can teach
IB diploma.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Andrew Rapoport
Andrew Rapoport
Age: 36 years old
I am a Ph.D. student of genetic and microbiology at Charles University. I can teach you mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, Czech and Russian languages.
  • Colleges from November 2020
  • Applied: 68 student(s)
  • Years of practice17 years
Mathematics, Russian, Biology, Physics, Chemistry
Languages can teach
Russian, Czech, English
Lomonosov Moscow State University, soil science, microbiology.
Charles University, faculty of science, genetic and microbiology.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
CHeshskiy dlya inostrancev: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Anar Tergeussova
Anar Tergeussova
Age: 27 years old
Chcete se dostat na lékařskou fakultu? Rada vám s tím pomůžu! Jsem studentkou všeobecného lékařství a vím, jak na přijímačky. Učím v ruštině a češtině, udělám všechno, aby vás výuka bavila. Zkušenost doučování je 1 rok.
  • Colleges from May 2021
  • Applied: 42 student(s)
  • Years of practice4 years
Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Russian
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština
Vysokoškolské, Univerzita Palackeho, lékařská fakulta, Všeobecné lékařství.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Leyla Isakova
Leyla Isakova
Age: 24 years old
Ahoj, jsem studentkou Lékařské fakulty Masarykovy univerzity a doučuji na přijímačky na medicínu, a hlavně z chemie. Pokusím se najít ten nejlepší a vyhovující způsob učení, a to pro každého studenta zvlášť. Učím v ruštině, v češtině a angličtině. V případě dotazů mě neváhejte kontaktovat
  • Colleges from October 2021
  • Applied: 9 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština, angličtina
Všeobecné lékařství, Lékařská fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Všeobecné lékařství.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Biochemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sejal Patel
Sejal Patel
Age: 46 years old
Hello there, I am Sejal Patel, a trained Math teacher residing in Prague. From past 21 years I have been working with students of different age group. As my experience ranges from preschool to high school I will be happy to tutor elementary and high school students. As a Math teacher I believe in making each topic interesting and more fun. Looking forward to hear from you!
  • Colleges from October 2022
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice23 years
Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics
Languages can teach
M Sc, MSU, Math.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Matematika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Maria Budeyko
Maria Budeyko
Age: 22 years old
Ahoj, jmenuju se Maria! Jsem studentka Farmaceutické fakulty MUNI, ráda se učím. A ráda se podělím znalostmi i s ostatními.Těším se na společnou spolupráci
  • Colleges from January 2023
  • Applied: 9 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Chemistry, Biology, Russian
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština
Student, FaF MUNI, Farmacie.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 240 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 240 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 240 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
William Lytle
William Lytle
Age: 24 years old
🇬🇧 Hello! My name is William Lytle, and I’m a 6th year med student at First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University. I'm Half Czech, Half American, so I have some good experience working in both languages :) In terms of teaching experience, I’ve taught Medical Biophyics (for Medical students), English Language (at a School for mostly foreign students/ESL), English Literature and Poetry (as a private tutor) and First Aid, so I’ve been teaching people for roughly 3 years now. I did the IB during High school so I also have experience with: Chemistry (Higher Level), Biology (Higher Level), Philosophy (Standard Level), Mathematics (Standard Level) English Language and Literature (Standard Level) Latin (Higher Level), I also have a lot of experience writing and editing essays, especially in the context of British Educational systems. I’m also consider my self a (relatively) fast learner, so I’m happy to learn extra material well enough to help you with whatever academic challenge you might have :) My first lesson will always be free, just as an introductory meeting, to understand what you need help with and to see if I can help to your satisfaction. So feel free to reach out and we can figure something out :) /🇨🇿 - Ahoj! Jmenuji se William Lytle a jsem studentem 6. ročníku medicíny na 1. lékařské fakultě Univerzity Karlovy :) Pokud jde o pedagogickou praxi, učil jsem lékařskou biofyziku (pro studenty medicíny), anglický jazyk (ve škole pro převážně zahraniční studenty/ESL), anglickou literaturu a poezii (jako soukromý učitel) a první pomoc, takže učím celkem už zhruba 3 roky. jsem dělal jsem IB (International Baccalaureate) během střední školy, takže mám také zkušenosti s: Chemii (vyšší úroveň), Biologii (vyšší úroveň), Filozofii (standardní úroveň), Matematikou (standardní úroveň) Anglickým jazykem a literaturou (standardní úroveň) Latinou (vyšší úroveň), Mám také mnoho zkušeností s psaním a editací esejů, zejména v kontextu britských vzdělávacích systémů. Také se považuji za (relativně) rychle se učícího, takže jsem rád, že se naučím extra materiál dostatečně dobře, abych vám pomohl s jakoukoli akademickou výzvou, kterou můžete mít :) Moje první hodina bude vždy zdarma, jen jako úvodní schůzka, abych pochopil, s čím potřebujete pomoci a jestli vám mohu pomoci k vaší spokojenosti. Tak se klidně ozvěte a něco vymyslíme :)
  • Colleges from October 2023
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Geography, History of Europen Culture, Music (singing), Chemistry, Biology, English, Rhetoric, Philosophy
Languages can teach
Angličtina/ English
6. Ročník Všeobecné lékařství, 1. Lékařská Fakulta, Univerzita Karlova.
International Baccalaureate, Haileybury Imperial Service College.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Filozofie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Rétorika: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (zpěv): 400 CZK. / 45 min.
Dějiny umění: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějiny evropské kultury: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Zeměpis: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Dastan Kubatbekov
Dastan Kubatbekov
Age: 22 years old
Učím biologii/chemii k přijímacím zkouškám na lékařské fakulty Univerzity Karlovy . Jsem studentem 2.ročníku 3.lf a pomůžu vám dostat se na medicínu :)
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Chemistry, Biology, Czech
Languages can teach
Angličtina, Ruština, Čeština
Student, 3.lékařská fakulta.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Český: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Saeed ul Abrar
Saeed ul Abrar
Age: 36 years old
I am Saeed I am from Pakistan currently expat in UAE
  • Colleges from March 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Chemistry, Biology
Languages can teach
Hazara University, Masters of science, Biochemistry.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Biologie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Pavel Chen
Pavel Chen
Age: 20 years old
Studuju na MUNI, obor chemie. Nabízím doučování z předmětů chemie, matematika. Výuka bude probíhat v ruštině. Mužu pomoct se školním programem i při přípravě na zkoušky.
  • Colleges from June 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice4 years
Chemistry, Mathematics
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Katsiaryna Barannikava
Katsiaryna Barannikava
Age: 21 years old
Ahoj, jmenuji se Katsiaryna a jsem lektorkou biologie a chemie. Specializuji se na přípravu k nostrifikaci a přijímacím zkouškám na medicínské obory. Mám bohaté zkušenosti v této oblasti a hodně pozitivních recenzi od svých studentů. Jsem přesvědčená, že dokážu navázat kontakt se svými studenty a pomoci jim dosáhnout jejich studijních cílů.
  • Colleges from August 2024
  • Years of practice2 years
Chemistry, Biology
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština
4. Ročník Všeobecné lékařství, Lékařská Fakulta v Plzni, Univerzita Karlova..
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Tomas Antl
Tomas Antl
Age: 36 years old
Jsem vzděláním Biolog, pracoval jsem v laboratoři a i business prostředí. Témata: Biologie, Ekologie, Molekulární biologie, Sekvence DNA, Analýzy genomu
  • Colleges from September 2024
  • Years of practice11 months
Chemistry, Biology, Czech, Environment
Languages can teach
Czech, English
Msc, PřFUK, Biology, Molecular biology.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Ekologie: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 500 CZK. / 60 min.

Chemistry is one of the most difficult and most needed subjects. This science, which is studying everything: substances, their structure ,features and cooperation with other elements.  This subject inform us about healthy and unhealthy things, helps to answer all questions.

Chemistry is the way to learn the world! It studies all unknown and discover new things, that is way is it very important to pay attention to this subject at school.

Unfortunately, students have difficulties to learn everything for the short time, which is given for chemistry lessons. Self-studing might not always mean success, because learners might have several problems:

  • difficulties with formulas, calculations and solving tasks.
  • no possibilities for laboratory experiments
  • no needed reagents

That is why the best thing to do is to ask for help a chemistry tutor. Professional teacher with a lot of practice will help to gain knowledge and undertand the material using special individual program for the child.

Main trends of chemistry teacher’ work

The main tendencies of the chemistry teacher’s work

  1. Teaching theoretical and practical part of the subject
  2. Solving formulas, equations, chemical compounds
  3. Teaching Mendel table and features of the elements
  4. Solving tasks and calculations
  5. Special programs and tools usuage

The better the student understands the theoretical part, the more successful student will be in learning chemistry. It is very important have a full overview of the elements, organic and not organic compounds and main chemical reaction.

Teachers to prepare for chemistry maturita and entrance exams

Teachers help older students to prepare for maturita and entrance exams. The main focus is solving tasks of different difficulty, because they play an important role in exam tests.

Chemistry is one of the most needed subjects in order to get to different universities, that is why it is important to pass the exam with a good result, which will allow to go to any prestige university.

Our servis finding tutors My-tutor

We can help everybody to find a professional chemistry tutor in Czech Republic, who has a lot of practice. The best teachers are ready to help you and start job at any time, which is comfortable for you. Solving tasks, help to understand theory and practical part, formulation formulas and chemical reactions- everything is in the course program of the subject.

With us tutor’s help is availble for everybody!

Conditions and registration

The aim of our website is to be a tool of interaction between students and tutors in Czech Republic. Teachers fill in the form with information about them, students choose one of them.
We tried to make our website multifunctional: here you can find a tutor of any subject,from mathematics to ecology. The full list is available in the appropriate section. 
The website is translated to three languages: Russian,Czech, English – you can choose the language, which is suitable for you. There is a possibilty to register, not only for a teacher, but also for a student. We don’t ask money for our services. You can find a tutor for children and adults yourself, or with a help of our employees.

The need of tutor

The tutor might be needed in different situations : missed classes, gaps in knowlege, the wish to prepare for the exam. It is hardly possible to list all reasons.

  • The advantages of the lessons with a tutor is that it is individual. The teacher works only with you, not with a lot of students at once. This kind of program can be adjected according to your skills and knowledge.All gaps are being filled, but  you are not paying attention to the things that are known already. 
  • Sometimes only a tutor can help you to prepare for the university entrance exams.  Specific character of the entance exams can confuse even the talented student. A teacher can help to understand all details.  

The database for searching tutors

We are not this type of  a website, which allows every person to publish information about him. All applications are being checked. We check people’s education and teaching practice. Each teacher has to present the documents, that prove his education.
We have lots of teachers, so you can find a teacher in Prague and in another city in Czech Republic, according to the style, character or price of the tutor.  Just look at the options. Thank to the user-friendly option to sort the teachers according to the subject and the place of  studies, you will immediately find a teacher for you.
Good luck!

We invite tutors to register on our website

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