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Looking for tutors of German language in Czech republic

Olga Aslanova
Olga Aslanova
Age: 49 years old
némecky aktivní znalost slovem i písmem
  • Colleges from January 2018
  • Applied: 24 student(s)
  • Years of practice27 years
Languages can teach
Profesorka nemčiny, Socialní pedagog po povolaní „ Filologie“.
Astrachansky statní pedagogicky univerzita, Rusko.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Sascha Bobrink
Sascha Bobrink
Age: 46 years old
My name is Sascha Bobrink. I am German native and teach German language since 2014. A1-C2 courses. Exam preparation. Writing and conversational exercises. Grammar. Vocabulary. Reading practice.I helped teaching German and passing their exam to various adults and children's from different countrys. I have education in Psychology. I'm available from Monday to Sunday. The schedule is flexible. We can organize the lessons through Skype, Viber,Whatsapp or Google Meet. PDF Books and Audio Material is available. Included in the price . Looking forward to hear from you soon. Sascha Меня зовут Саша Бобринк. Я носитель немецкого языка и преподаю немецкий язык с 2014 года. Курсы A1-C2. Подготовка к экзамену. Письменные и разговорные упражнения. Грамматика. Словарный запас. Практика чтения. Помогала преподавать немецкий язык и сдавать экзамены взрослым и детям из разных стран. Имею образование в области психологии. Я доступен с понедельника по воскресенье. График гибкий. Мы можем организовать уроки через Skype, Viber, WhatsApp или Google Meet. Доступны PDF-книги и аудиоматериалы. Включено в стоимость. Будем рады услышать от вас скоро. Саша
  • Colleges from October 2018
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice13 years
Languages can teach
German,English, Russian
Psychology , SGD Darmstadt , Psychology .
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
German: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Olga Kuzmina
Olga Kuzmina
Age: 48 years old
Vysokoškolské vzdělání- vysoká škola podnikání, lingvistické pedagogické vzdělání- výuka cizího jazyka, psychologické vzdělání- psycholog praktik analytik. Specialista, metodičti poradci pro výuku cizích jazyků. Ráda pracují pečlivě, ve výuce cizích jazyků používám individuální přístup. Obchodní jakosti: systematičnost, přesnost, rychle cvičitelnost, je snadné najít společný jazyk, trpělivost. Znalost jazyků: ruština/beloruština- mateřský, němčina- volné, angličtina- volné konverzační, čeština - ve fázi učení
  • Colleges from October 2019
  • Applied: 24 student(s)
  • Years of practice26 years
Pedagogics, Russian, German
Languages can teach
němčina, ruština, pedagogika , arteterapie, neyrografika
Minská lingvisticka univerzita, vysoká škola podnikání , Pedagog, metodist, lingvist, psycholog praktik analytik .
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Pedagogika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina 2 osoby: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Yass Moust
Yass Moust
Age: 55 years old
I guarantee a high quality of teaching German language in all levels from any books, native level. Explanation will be in English. Times of lessons must be agreed please as the possibility of my time and your time, flexible.
  • Colleges from February 2020
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice18 years
Languages can teach
German Language as a foreign language, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany, PNDS.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Fouad Abouelfadl
Fouad Abouelfadl
Age: 51 years old
Hi my name is Fouad and I’m an online language teacher, I also have many different certificates to teach languages like Teach English Now from Arizona state university and I know the importance and the challenge of learning a new language, that's why I now teach English and other languages like Arabic, French and German and everyone can learn depends on their goal, studies, business, tourism ... etc. I have always enjoyed teaching others some language because I like to contribute, participate in the development of others' careers and offer confidence, enthusiasm, the motivation that can encourage anyone intending to reach their goal and so the language can open other horizons.
  • Colleges from June 2020
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice22 years
English, French, German, Arabian, Portuguese
Languages can teach
Arabic, French, English, German
Legal Sciences, Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, Law.
Technology, Accounting Institute, Accounting.
Foreign Language, Goethe Institute, German.
Foreign Language, Arizona State University, English.
Foreign Language, University of Liege, French.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Francouzský: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Arabština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Portugalština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Elena Arenberg
Elena Arenberg
Age: 42 years old
Jsem kvalifikovaná učitelka němčiny. Pracuji také v jazykové škole Spěváček. Můj program je zaměřen na studenty od 16 let. Výuka probíhá online nebo na základě dohody.
  • Colleges from September 2020
  • Applied: 18 student(s)
  • Years of practice22 years
Languages can teach
němčina, ruština
Uralská federální univerzita, Filologická fakulta,katedra německych studií, Německy jazýk a literatura.
Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg-im-Breisgau, Philologische Fakultät, Lehrstuhl für Skandinavistik, Skandinavische Literatur und Kultur/Mediävistik.
Univerzita Karlova (nostrifikace), Filologická fakulta, Německy jazýk a literatura.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sofiia Siletskaia
Sofiia Siletskaia
Age: 24 years old
Učím se němčinu už 3 roky, teď mám B1, můžu učit začátečníky( děti, dospělé)
  • Colleges from March 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice4 years
Russian, German
Languages can teach
Němčina ruština
ČZU, Ekonomické, Podnikání a administrativita.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Ondřej Šimůnek
Ondřej Šimůnek
Age: 25 years old
Jsem student vysoké školy v Ústí nad Labem. Nabízím doučování anglického jazyka a dějepisu pro začátečníky i mírně pokročilé. Mohu také nabídnout doučování německého jazyka pro začátečníky.
  • Colleges from April 2023
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice2 years
History, German, English
Languages can teach
Angličtina, čeština
Střední zdravotnická škola, Asistent zubního technika.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
němčina: 150 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 150 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějepis: 150 CZK. / 60 min.
Usti nad Labem
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Daria Oshchepkova
Daria Oshchepkova
Age: 35 years old
Dobrý den! Jsem učitelkou jazyků již víc než 12 let. Ráda pomůžu Vám zvládnout těžkou gramatiku, pochopit lexikologii a logiku jazyků. Lingvistické vzdělání pomáhá pochopit systém jakéhokoliv jazyku a díky tomu najít lehké a jednoduché cesty, aby moji studenti začali mluvit co nejrychleji. Mám hodně zkušeností, moji studenti úspěšně zvládají zkoušky.
  • Colleges from May 2023
  • Applied: 16 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
TSP,OSP, SCIO tests, Russian, Spanish, German, Chinese, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, angličtina, němčina, španělština
Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home (Praha 4 )
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Čínština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
španělština: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
TSP,OSP, SCIO zkoušky: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Kateryna Feshchenko
Kateryna Feshchenko
Age: 26 years old
My name is Kateryna. I am a tutor in English, Czech, and Turkish. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I obtained my bachelor's degree in the Czech Republic. Both my C1 level proficiency in English and Turkish are attested to by the diplomas I possess. I also have a total of 9 years of experience living and communicating with native speakers of these languages. In addition to fostering a warm and inviting environment, I provide each pupil with individualised attention.
  • Colleges from October 2023
  • Applied: 14 student(s)
Turkish, Czech, Russian, German, English
Languages can teach
Angličtina, Čeština, Turečtina, Ukrajinština, Ruština
Bakalářský titul, Ekonomie, Mezinárodní obchod.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
English/Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Czech/Čeština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Turkish/Turečtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
German/Němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anna Safronova
Anna Safronova
Age: 23 years old
Hallo! Mein Name ist Anna. Ursprünglich komme ich aus Russland, aber seit einem Jahr stuidiere ich im Deutschkurs an der Universität Salzburg in Österreich. Ich habe Gefallen an Sprachen und dieses Studium macht mir Spaß. Als eine Person, die Deutsch als Muttersprsche nicht haben, verfüge ich sonst über Vorteile. Z.B., ich kann Ihnen viele Tipps geben, wie Sie schneller Grammatik lernen können, oder wie es am besten ist, an Aussprache zu arbeiten, oder was Sie machen sollen, um das Verständnis des Dialekts zu verbessern. Während diese kurze Zeit, die ich in Österreich verbracht habe, habe ich auch viele Unterschiede im Charakter und im Lenebensstil gemerkt. Also, auf jeden Fall finden wir etwas, worüber zu sprechen!
  • Colleges from October 2023
  • Years of practice2 years
Languages can teach
deutsch/ German
Deutsche Sprache, Germanistik, Germanistik.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Verena Meier
Verena Meier
Age: 28 years old
I am originally from Austria but living in Prague for 2 years now. I can give lessons in German, which is my native language, and in English. Due to my job and my education, which was a full-english study programme (masters + PhD), I became fluent in English. I am giving language lessons since I was in school and continued during my whole studies. Therefore, I could already collect a lot of experience in working with students from the age of primary school until upper level high school. I can give in-person lessons as well as online courses. I would be happy if you contact me and we can arrange a meeting! :)
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice12 years
German, English
Languages can teach
English, German
PhD, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Geology.
Gymansium, Realgymnasium Gleisdorf, Austria, Chemistry, Biology, Physics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education

German language is one of the most common languages in Europe. It is popular in Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands,Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland. In most of these countries German language is the mother language for these people. It is very important to know German language to study, work and live in the countries of central Europe.

Who these services learning German language are suitable for?

Our tutor servises are for:

  • adult people, who want to move to Germany to live to work or to study
  • people, who are interested in German culture, traditions and communication with people from German speaking countries
  • tourists, who are going to central Europe
  • school students and university students
  • people who learn language for work
  • when is it better to start learning German language?

It is better to start learning German language in the childhood, when all logopedic problems are solved. It can be 5 -7 year old child. People are easily learning in this period of life and their knowledge stays with them all their life.

Even school student and even adult can learn new language, though it will take more effort. Holidays or vacation is the best time to start learning foreign language.

Why to start learning is better with tutor?

The language, of course can be learned on its own, but then there can be some problems:

  • not knowing how to learn.  It takes 5-10 times more to learn on its own without that knowledge.
  • no knowing dialects. German dialects differ from each other a lot
  • mistakes in grammar and pronunciation

Find tutor using our service My-tutor

Our service gives the access to the best tutors in Czech Republic with years of practice, professional education and all needed documents.  Use our  website right now and you will find a suitable tutor to learn German language in several minutes.

Conditions and registration

The aim of our website is to be a tool of interaction between students and tutors in Czech Republic. Teachers fill in the form with information about them, students choose one of them.
We tried to make our website multifunctional: here you can find a tutor of any subject,from mathematics to ecology. The full list is available in the appropriate section. 
The website is translated to three languages: Russian,Czech, English – you can choose the language, which is suitable for you. There is a possibilty to register, not only for a teacher, but also for a student. We don’t ask money for our services. You can find a tutor for children and adults yourself, or with a help of our employees.

The need of tutor

The tutor might be needed in different situations : missed classes, gaps in knowlege, the wish to prepare for the exam. It is hardly possible to list all reasons.

  • The advantages of the lessons with a tutor is that it is individual. The teacher works only with you, not with a lot of students at once. This kind of program can be adjected according to your skills and knowledge.All gaps are being filled, but  you are not paying attention to the things that are known already. 
  • Sometimes only a tutor can help you to prepare for the university entrance exams.  Specific character of the entance exams can confuse even the talented student. A teacher can help to understand all details.  

The database for searching tutors

We are not this type of  a website, which allows every person to publish information about him. All applications are being checked. We check people’s education and teaching practice. Each teacher has to present the documents, that prove his education.
We have lots of teachers, so you can find a teacher in Prague and in another city in Czech Republic, according to the style, character or price of the tutor.  Just look at the options. Thank to the user-friendly option to sort the teachers according to the subject and the place of  studies, you will immediately find a teacher for you.
Good luck!

We invite tutors to register on our website

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