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Searching for tutors in Czech republic

Alexander Emeliyanov
Alexander Emeliyanov
Age: 63 years old
Ruština pro vsechny úrovne pokročilosti od úplných začátečníku do pokročilých. Efektivní doučování ruského jazyka nejen pro začátečníky, ale i pro ty z Vás, kteří si chtějí své znalosti zdokonalit, či pro pokročilé, kteří potřebují ruský jazyk ve své praxi. Možnost konverzace na libovolná témata. Příprava ke zkouškám na SŠ a VŠ, příprava k maturitě, příprava k cestě do rusky mluvících zemí. Možnost výuky formou konverzace či také po Skypeu.
  • Colleges from December 2016
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice38 years
Russian, Czech
Languages can teach
český, ruský
Tomská státní univerzita, biologická, učitel biologii a chemie.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
čeština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Varvara Ponomareva
Varvara Ponomareva
Age: 36 years old
Zdravím! Jmenuji se Varvara. Ruštinu učím 14 let, češtinu pro cizince 10 let, z toho 6 let na Univerzitě Karlově. Můžu vás naučit pražskému slangu anebo připravit ke zkoušce pro trvalý pobyt (A2) nebo občanství (B1). Čeština je lahůdka, poďme ji společně ochutnat! Mozek je taky sval. Jak trénujeme tělo, tak můžeme trénovat i mozek. Výuku beru jako tandem mezi trenérem a žákem. Jako vystudovaná bohemistka ráda vypravuji studentům o bouřlivých dějinách českého jazyka. Při výuce kombinuji svoje materiály (gramatické) s učebnicemi, cvičebnicemi a videi. Při konverzaci opravuji gramatiku a výslovnost, aniž bych studenty přerušovala. Vždy zadávám domácí úkol, který kontroluju doma. Učím pouze dospělé, ale všechny úrovně (A1-C1). Pocházím z rodiny moskevských intelektuálů. V současné době na ÚČJTK FF UK dopisuji disertaci na téma, jak učit cizince na základě homonymie koncovek. Jsem členkou Jazykovědného sdružení ČR a American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages. Tlumočila jsem na XXII. zimních olympijských hrách v Soči.
  • Colleges from June 2017
  • Applied: 52 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
Ruština, čeština, angličtina
Mgr. (Univerzita Karlova), Filozofická, Bohemistika, Čeština pro cizince.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
čeština online: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Čeština pro cizince online: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština online: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština offline: 1000 CZK. / 60 min.
Český offline: 1000 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Vladimir Gerber
Vladimir Gerber
Age: 51 years old
Učím taky češtinu pro cizince
  • Colleges from January 2018
  • Applied: 59 student(s)
  • Years of practice29 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, angličtina, ruština
Vysokoškolské, Germánská filologie, Lektor cicich jazyku.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Angliyskiy: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Russkiy: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
CHeshskiy: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Rimma  Tungusova
Rimma Tungusova
Age: 59 years old
Teach English Russian and Ukraiinian speakers in Chechia and all over the world.
  • Colleges from September 2018
  • Applied: 11 student(s)
  • Years of practice39 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
English ,Russian
High educated, Foreign language , English.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Diana Patapeika
Diana Patapeika
Age: 31 years old
Ruska rodilá mluvčí. Doucovani rustiny pro zaky strednich a vysokych skol, rustina od azbuky do konverzace pro podnikatele a dalsi zajemce.
  • Colleges from September 2018
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština
College of Arts. I.O.Akhremchik, Fine arts (Painting), Teacher of painting.
Belarusian State Academy of Arts, Design and Graphic Art , Graphic design.
University of West Bohemia, Illustration and Graphic Art, Graphic design.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Emeliyanova Tatiana
Emeliyanova Tatiana
Age: 63 years old
English and Russian teacher
  • Colleges from October 2018
  • Applied: 15 student(s)
  • Years of practice41 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
Russian, English
Diploma in Pedagogy and Foreign Languages, English and Russian.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Tatsiana Bychkova
Tatsiana Bychkova
Age: 53 years old
Výuka ruského jazyka na profesionální úrovni. Jednoduché, rychlé, snadné. 20 let pracovní zkušenosti ve škole (rodilý mluvčí). Pro začátečníky a lidi, kteří pokračují učení (doučovani). Obuchenie russkomu yaziku na professionalnom urovne. Prosto, bistro, legko. 20-letniy opit raboti v shkole (nositel yazika). Dlya nachinayuschih i lyudey, kotorie prodoljayut obuchenie.
  • Colleges from December 2018
  • Applied: 9 student(s)
  • Years of practice29 years
Languages can teach
Vysokoškolské, Běloruská státní univerzita, Minsk, Filologie - filolog, učitel ruského jazyka a literatury.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Elmira Shafigina
Elmira Shafigina
Age: 36 years old
Nabízím výuku v následujících oblastech: • Testy SCIO ZSV a OSP. • historie, sociologie, politická věda a právo • nostrifikace ZSV, historie a geografie Pracuji v České republice od roku 2013
  • Colleges from December 2018
  • Applied: 49 student(s)
  • Years of practice11 years
History, TSP,OSP, SCIO tests, Russian
Languages can teach
Ruský jazyk
Jižní Uralská státní univerzita, Právnická fakulta, občanského práva.
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, veřejná správa.
Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta, politické vědy.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Filozofie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
TSP,OSP, SCIO zkoušky: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějepis: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Úvodní strana: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Istoriya: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Filosofiya: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Julianna Romanova
Julianna Romanova
Age: 34 years old
I am a professional artist,working in Narodni Divadlo.
  • Colleges from October 2019
  • Applied: 16 student(s)
  • Years of practice12 years
Music (more), Music (piano), Music (singing), Speech therapist, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Saint Petersburg State University, History, art historian.
Moscow State Conservatory, Vocal, solo singing.
Theatrical Academy of Performing Arts, Acting, musical theatre artist.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
Angličtina: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 700 CZK. / 60 min.
Logoped: 900 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (zpěv): 900 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (piano): 900 CZK. / 45 min.
Hudba (více): 900 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anisiia Tománek
Anisiia Tománek
Age: 42 years old
  • Colleges from December 2019
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home ()
Prices from:
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Daria Mamaeva
Daria Mamaeva
Age: 29 years old
I have Master's Degree in English Language and Literature. My Bachelor's degree is in Teaching English and German. I'm very glad to help you with English (or Russian, if necessary). We can discuss any topics you are interested in and communicate a lot during the lesson, and, of course, if you need these languages for some academic purposes - it's not a problem at all, the lessons always have a certain structure and systematization, 'cause any language is a system, in particular, and we can work on all 4 basic skills: writing, speaking, reading and listening.
  • Colleges from February 2020
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice10 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
English, Russian
Bachelor's Degree, Vjatska statni univerzita se sidlem v Ruske Federaci, Kirov, Faculty of Linguistics, Teacher of English.
Master's Degree (currently getting), Masarykova univerzita, Brno, Faculty of Arts, English Language and Literature.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 650 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kateřina Smoljar Sáňková
Kateřina Smoljar Sáňková
Age: 40 years old
Učím češtinu pro cizince již od roku 2008 a velmi me baví poznávat nové studenty.
  • Colleges from May 2020
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice16 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština
Vs , Filozoficka, Rusky jazyk se zaměřením na hospodarsko- právní a turistickou oblast .
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Mariia Frolova
Mariia Frolova
Age: 39 years old
Age 6+ . Level A1-B2. We can try a communicative course (General or business), just grammar or just convo specials or I can help with homework. The price differs depending on the location. My place/online - 350 czk, student's place - 400-500 czk
  • Colleges from June 2020
  • Applied: 17 student(s)
  • Years of practice23 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian, both possible also online
Pedagogical University , Foreign languages, English as a Foreign Language .
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Olga Muller
Olga Muller
Age: 55 years old
Jsem rodilá mluvčí, mám vysokoškolské pavnické vzdělání. V roce 2016 jsem absolvovala rekvalifikační kurzy „Metodika vyučování ruštiny jako cizího jazyka“ na Moskevské státní univerzitě.
  • Colleges from July 2020
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
čeština, ruština
Vysoká škola, Irkutská statní univerzita, pravnická, pravnička.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Galina Petrovskaya
Galina Petrovskaya
Age: 57 years old
Učitelka logoped
  • Colleges from August 2020
  • Applied: 18 student(s)
  • Years of practice35 years
Speech therapist, Russian
Languages can teach
vysoká škola, Defektologicky, Logoped,defektolog.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Logoped: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Daria Silanteva
Daria Silanteva
Age: 23 years old
Jsem učitelka jazyků s bohatými zkušenostmi, od individuálních lekcí až po založení vzdělávacího centra a tvorbu učebních plánů pro jazykové školy. V mých hodinách je na prvním místě pozitivita a humor. Budeme s vámi probírat aktuální témata, drby a to vše v cizím jazyce :) Těm, kteří se chtějí učit češtinu pro cizince, navrhuji, abyste se se mnou blíže seznámili na mém TikToku https://www.tiktok.com/@passordie
  • Colleges from September 2020
  • Applied: 13 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Angličtina, Čeština, Ruština
Masarikova Univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Pedagogika.
University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Education, Educational Scince.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
CHeshskiy dlya inostrancev: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Andrew Rapoport
Andrew Rapoport
Age: 36 years old
I am a Ph.D. student of genetic and microbiology at Charles University. I can teach you mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry, Czech and Russian languages.
  • Colleges from November 2020
  • Applied: 60 student(s)
  • Years of practice17 years
Mathematics, Russian, Biology, Physics, Chemistry
Languages can teach
Russian, Czech, English
Lomonosov Moscow State University, soil science, microbiology.
Charles University, faculty of science, genetic and microbiology.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
CHeshskiy dlya inostrancev: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Age: 26 years old
Jsem učitel češtiny jako cizího jazyka i ruštiny. Studoval jsem lingvistiku na Lotyšské univerzitě
  • Colleges from November 2020
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
Ruština, Angličtina
Lotyšská univerzita, Fakulta humanických věd, Lingvistika.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Český: 480 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Natalia Ayas Bezuglova
Natalia Ayas Bezuglova
Age: 33 years old
Hello. İ am Natalia. İ am a Russian speaking teacher of English language, based in Prague. İ am offering you online or in-person courses of English. We can practice and improve your reading, writing, conversation skills, grammar. İ can also help you with business English, travel English. İ am a Russian native speaker, also speaking Czech, so most of my students are Russians or Czech. Jmenuji se Natalia. Jsem ucitelka anglictiny. Bydlím v Praze. Nabízím vám online nebo osobní kurzy angličtiny. Můžeme procvičit a zlepšit vaši dovednosti ve čtení, psaní, konverzaci, gramatice. Také vám můžu pomoci s obchodní angličtinou, cestovní angličtinou.
  • Colleges from November 2020
  • Applied: 13 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian
FCE (First Certificate in English).
Bachelor, VSE, Faculty of Finance and Accounting.
Master, VSFS, Faculty of Economics, Finance.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Ruslana Gudkova
Ruslana Gudkova
Age: 50 years old
Rodilá mluvčí, z Petrohradu, vysokoškolské vzdělání, zabývám se doučováním ruštiny 6 let. Nabízím výuku ruštiny (gramatika a konverzace, kultura a tradice). Individuální přístup, materiály z Ruska. Praxe: vedení kurzu ruštiny na Karlově univerzitě, práce na jazykové škole Channel Crossings, učitel ruštiny na Střední hotelové škole Kladno, soukromý učitel ruštiny.
  • Colleges from November 2020
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice9 years
Languages can teach
ruský jazyk
Vysoká škola Ekonomiky a Řízení, Sankt-Petěrburg, Rusko.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Evgeniya Sirigina
Evgeniya Sirigina
Age: 41 years old
Hi, I'm Evgenia.I'm from Russia. I can speak English and Russian. Also I can help you to learn these languages. I use modern books and we listen different song and watch interesting videos. I won a lof of professional competitions and entered professional courses.
  • Colleges from January 2021
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice20 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
English, Russian
Institute,college, foreign languages, interpreter, teacher of english.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Lamiya Gadashova
Lamiya Gadashova
Age: 24 years old
Hello, My name is Lamiya, i am 21 y.o. and i am native russian speaker. I am offering russian language classes for beginners (grammar+speaking 200/h) and also talk sessions for A2-C2 speakers (we can choose the topic and discuss 150/h)
  • Colleges from January 2021
  • Applied: 4 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Languages can teach
VŠE, FIS, Matematické metody v ekonomii.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Anton Shusharin
Anton Shusharin
Age: 47 years old
I am a native Russian speaker, experienced in translating and interpreting, both orally and in writing, from English into Russian and vice versa. I have studied Russian since elementary school. I was born and raised in Russia and relocated in Ukraine in 2007. I am confident in my abilities to teach Russian and see my students succeed. I am prepared to tutor beginning students, as well as advanced. I will teach you structure and content of Russian language, including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition and grammar, and pronunciation. You will be able to read, write, understand oral speech, and speak Russian. I offer online lessons (Skype, Zoom). Russian language is not easy, and the sooner you start studying, the better! I hope to see you soon, Anton
  • Colleges from February 2021
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice7 years
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Venuše Matoušková
Venuše Matoušková
Age: 66 years old
Vystudovala jsem FF UK, učila jsem na gymnáziu a pracovala v Akademii věd. 12 let učím rusky mluvící studenty česky. Mám zkušenosti s výukou skupin v jazykových školách i s individuální výukou. Od roku 2009 učím on-line po skype.
  • Colleges from February 2021
  • Applied: 18 student(s)
  • Years of practice42 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština, čeština pro cizince
Karlova univerzita, filozofická, ruština, historie, pedagogický směr.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sofiia Siletskaia
Sofiia Siletskaia
Age: 23 years old
Učím se němčinu už 3 roky, teď mám B1, můžu učit začátečníky( děti, dospělé)
  • Colleges from March 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Russian, German
Languages can teach
Němčina ruština
ČZU, Ekonomické, Podnikání a administrativita.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
němčina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anar Tergeussova
Anar Tergeussova
Age: 27 years old
Chcete se dostat na lékařskou fakultu? Rada vám s tím pomůžu! Jsem studentkou všeobecného lékařství a vím, jak na přijímačky. Učím v ruštině a češtině, udělám všechno, aby vás výuka bavila. Zkušenost doučování je 1 rok.
  • Colleges from May 2021
  • Applied: 39 student(s)
  • Years of practice4 years
Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Russian
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština
Vysokoškolské, Univerzita Palackeho, lékařská fakulta, Všeobecné lékařství.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Chemie: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Karine Makaryan
Karine Makaryan
Age: 50 years old
Uvajaemie druzya ! Imeyu bolshoy opit raboti s uchenikami 2-11 klassov raznogo urovnya sformirovannosti yazikovih i rechevih navikov. Umeyu nayti podhod k lichnosti uchenika i sostavit programmu, kotoraya pomojet optimalno USVOIT material.Osoboe vnimanie udelyayu RAZVITIYU ustnoy i pismennoy RECHI. Mnoyu sozdana avtorskaya metodika obucheniya russkomu alfavitu detey-bilingvov 4-13 let.
  • Colleges from July 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice22 years
Languages can teach
Russian, armenian
master's degree, Philology, Russian language teacher.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kateryna Platonova
Kateryna Platonova
Age: 28 years old
Studentka Univerzity Karlovy, filozofická fakulta, obor Ruský jazyk a literatura - Český jazyk a literatura. Pedagogické vzdělání: Národní pedagogická univerzita M.P. Dragomanova v Kijevě. Učitelská praxe: Základní škola ve věsnici Muzyči (Kyjev) a soukromá výuka studentů různého věku
  • Colleges from September 2021
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Languages can teach
čeština, ruština
VŠ, Národní pedagogická univerzita M.P. Dragomanova v Kyjevě, Španělština, angličtina a zahraniční lieratura pro střední školy.
VŠ, Univerzita Kalova, FF, Ruský jazyk a literatura - Český jazyk a literatura.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Sofiia Artemenko
Sofiia Artemenko
Age: 22 years old
Jsem studentka, v současné době studuji psychologii na VŠ. Jsem rodilý mluvčí ruského a ukrajinského jazyka, češtinu mám potvrzenou na úrovni B2. Asi rok pracuju jako tutor, připravuji školáky na stěhování do nové země.
  • Colleges from November 2021
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice4 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, ukrajinština
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Kseniia Novoselova
Kseniia Novoselova
Age: 23 years old
  • Colleges from November 2021
  • Applied: 15 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Angličtina, čeština, ruština
Vysoká škola ekonomická, Fakulta mezinárodních vztahů, International Business.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Galina Thomayerová
Galina Thomayerová
Age: 53 years old
Jsem rodilá ruský mluvící, v České republice od roku 1994, 17 let praxe na základní škole II. stupeň.
  • Colleges from February 2022
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice19 years
Languages can teach
Karlová Univerzita, Tělesná výchova a sport, učitelka.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Margarita Valieva
Margarita Valieva
Age: 36 years old
Hello! I am a certified teacher of the Russian language, as a foreigner! I live and work in a beautiful Prague, born in Russia! my languages: English B1, Czech A2, Spanish A2 ) I love my work, interesting and recognizable on my lessons! you will know a lot of interesting and new in history, culture, geography of Russia, start talking beautiful and right! See you !
  • Colleges from February 2022
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Languages can teach
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kateryna Litvin
Kateryna Litvin
Age: 31 years old
A motivator who loves his job
  • Colleges from April 2022
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice11 years
Speech therapist, Russian
Languages can teach
Ukrainian Russian
Kyiv National University, department of speech therapy, speech therapist.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Logoped: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Anastasiia Samura
Anastasiia Samura
Age: 24 years old
I have a degree in English Language and Literature. Translation included. " I constantly practice English and modify teaching methods. From the beginning of training I check the level of the student, I use bright pictures and games for children, books and videos - for adults. Classes include the development of both spoken language and reading, writing and listening perception. Learn more in class with me! I will be glad to cooperate with everyone! I will be happy to help you speak a foreign language quickly and efficiently!
  • Colleges from May 2022
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Russian, Ukrainian
Bachelor degree, RGF, English language and literature (translation included).
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Чешский для иностранцев: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Ilona Halaim
Ilona Halaim
Age: 25 years old
o good computer skills, knowledge of the Windows operating system Communicativeness o Ability to learn quickly o Knowledge of Excel Diligence o Team work skills o English B2 o German is communicative o Polish is a communicative language o Ukrainian language fluency o Russian language fluency
  • Colleges from June 2022
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
English, Russian
Languages can teach
English. Ukrainian. Russian
Vasyl` Stus Donetsk Natoinal University, Ukrainian Language and Science of Ukraine, Ukrainian Language and Literature.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At the students
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Stanislav Gaisin
Stanislav Gaisin
Age: 24 years old
I love travelling and linguistics. Very communicative and friendly. I have learned through daily usage of language as well as with the help of tutors during my younger years. Currently I'm at C1 level of English. Studying on my 3rd year Bachelor's in English in Czech University of Life Sciences. I have been teaching English to people of different ages since 2019. I'll be happy to help achieving your goals.
  • Colleges from July 2022
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian, Czech
Czech University of Life Sciences, PEF, Business Informatics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Stanislav Gaisin
Stanislav Gaisin
Age: 24 years old
I love travelling and linguistics. Very communicative and friendly. I have learned through daily usage of language as well as with the help of tutors during my younger years. Currently I'm at C1 level of English. Studying on my 3rd year Bachelor's in English in Czech University of Life Sciences. I have been teaching English to people of different ages since 2019. I'll be happy to help achieving your goals.
  • Colleges from July 2022
  • Years of practice5 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian, Czech
Czech University of Life Sciences, PEF, Business Informatics.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Lilija Lukjanova
Lilija Lukjanova
Age: 50 years old
10 let učitelské praxe v hudebních školách. • Zkušenosti jako korepetitorka. • Možnost výuky i v ruštině (Jsem rodilá mluvčí ruštiny) Vozmojno obuchenie na russkom yazike
  • Colleges from October 2022
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice31 years
Music (piano), Russian
Languages can teach
čeština ruština
AAkademie múzických umění ( Nižnij Novgorod)., KLAVÍR, KLAVÍR.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment At the students
Prices from:
ruština: 650 CZK. / 60 min.
Hudba (piano): 650 CZK. / 45 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kseniia Vinogradova
Kseniia Vinogradova
Age: 22 years old
Jsem rodilá mluvčí. Učím ruštinu pro začátečníky. Teď studuju v České Republice v Českých Budějovicích na vysoké škole. Poskytuji veškeré potřebné materiály pro školení.
  • Colleges from November 2022
  • Years of practice2 years
Languages can teach
čeština, angličtina, ruština
Jihočeská univerzita.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Ceske Budejovice
Sergei Zeytulaev
Sergei Zeytulaev
Age: 35 years old
Učitel češtiny, angličtiny a ruštiny jako cizího jazyka s desetiletou praxi.Vážení zájemci. Žádám, abyste brali ve zřetel, že placení za hodiny češtiny a ruštiny je možné pouze prostřednictvím rychlých peněžních převodů typu western union a podobné.
  • Colleges from November 2022
  • Applied: 5 student(s)
  • Years of practice14 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, Angličtina, Ruština
Bakalář, Anglická filologie, Učitelství angličtiny jako cizího jazyka.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Angelina Shychkin
Angelina Shychkin
Age: 22 years old
Hello! I’m Angelina, and I’m your new tutor best friend! I’ve been tutoring English, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian and Spanish languages to students around all the world and I will have no problems to make you learn fast and efficiently the language that you need no matter what level you currently have. The lessons are never boring and make the learning process more pleasant and interesting. I always motivate my students and I guide them in a professional and friendly manner. I have more than 5 years of teaching experience
  • Colleges from January 2023
  • Applied: 3 student(s)
  • Years of practice6 years
Russian, Spanish, Italian, English
Languages can teach
English, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian
Universita Linguistica Di Milano Bicocca.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
italština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
španělština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Nastya Hurhach
Nastya Hurhach
Age: 22 years old
Hey🦩I will tell you a little about myself. I have been a teacher at the All Right English school for a long time, and I am also a copywriter at the American company Marin Software. For more detailed information, contact me by phone number in any of the messengers that are convenient for you.
  • Colleges from March 2023
  • Years of practice6 years
Russian, English
Languages can teach
English and Ukrainian, Russian
Primary education, Education/pedagogy, Foreign language teacher.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 360 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Zhanna Iskazieva
Zhanna Iskazieva
Age: 24 years old
Rozvíjíme dovednosti jako mluvení, čtení, pravopis, stejně jako porozumění řeči na sluch (ovládnutí všech těchto dovedností testováno na mezinárodních zkouškách). Jaké jsou bonusy v mé výuce? Budu s vámi v kontaktu. Speaking club Osobní zkušenost jako za půl roku mého učení jsem dostala úroveň B2. Kartičky pro zlepšení vašeho slovníku
  • Colleges from March 2023
  • Applied: 10 student(s)
  • Years of practice2 years
Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, angličtina
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina online: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština online: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český online: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina offline: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština offline: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Český offline: 450 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Daria Oshchepkova
Daria Oshchepkova
Age: 34 years old
Dobrý den! Jsem učitelkou jazyků již víc než 12 let. Ráda pomůžu Vám zvládnout těžkou gramatiku, pochopit lexikologii a logiku jazyků. Lingvistické vzdělání pomáhá pochopit systém jakéhokoliv jazyku a díky tomu najít lehké a jednoduché cesty, aby moji studenti začali mluvit co nejrychleji. Mám hodně zkušeností, moji studenti úspěšně zvládají zkoušky.
  • Colleges from May 2023
  • Applied: 16 student(s)
  • Years of practice9 years
TSP,OSP, SCIO tests, Russian, Spanish, German, Chinese, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, ruština, angličtina, němčina, španělština
Vysoká škola obchodní v Praze.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment At home (Praha 4 )
Prices from:
Angličtina: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Čínština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
španělština: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
TSP,OSP, SCIO zkoušky: 500 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Daria Krylova
Daria Krylova
Age: 24 years old
  • Colleges from September 2023
  • Applied: 6 student(s)
  • Years of practice5 years
History, Czech, Russian, English
Languages can teach
Čeština, Angličtina, Ruština
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta humanitních studií, Orální historie - soudobé dějiny.
Moskevská státní univerzita, Historická fakulta, České soudobé dějiny.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Dějepis: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Kateryna Feshchenko
Kateryna Feshchenko
Age: 25 years old
My name is Kateryna. I am a tutor in English, Czech, and Turkish. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I obtained my bachelor's degree in the Czech Republic. Both my C1 level proficiency in English and Turkish are attested to by the diplomas I possess. I also have a total of 9 years of experience living and communicating with native speakers of these languages. In addition to fostering a warm and inviting environment, I provide each pupil with individualised attention.
  • Colleges from October 2023
  • Applied: 12 student(s)
English, German, Russian, Czech, Turkish
Languages can teach
Angličtina, Čeština, Turečtina, Ukrajinština, Ruština
Bakalářský titul, Ekonomie, Mezinárodní obchod.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
English/Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Germanfor beginners/Němčina pro začátečníky: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Czech/Čeština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Turkish/Turečtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
němčina: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Turečtina: 400 CZK. / 60 min.
Going to the student
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Olga Kendall
Olga Kendall
Age: 52 years old
Mám dlouholetou praxi s výukou cizích jazyků (angličtina, ruština, čeština) na Jihočeské univerzitě, v VŠTE. Pravidelně učím firemní kurzy. Mou specializaci je konverzace.
  • Colleges from January 2024
English, Russian, Czech
Languages can teach
angličtina, čestina, ruština
vysokoškolské, Petrohradská univerzita, filologická fakulta - anglický a český jazyky, vyučující angličtiny, ruštiny, češtiny.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Angličtina: 550 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 550 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 550 CZK. / 60 min.
Ceske Budejovice
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Radek Šišma
Radek Šišma
Age: 22 years old
Rád s vámi budu sdílet své zkušenosti, které jsem získal během učení cizích jazyků.
  • Colleges from January 2024
  • Years of practice2 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
čeština, ruština, polština, angličtina
student vysoké školy, mám vystudované gymnázium.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment does not matter
Prices from:
ruština: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Alexandra G.
Alexandra G.
Age: 46 years old
Hello, I offer online classical lessons for adults and children (9 years +), which include all aspects of studying language. I also have conversational lessons (250/60m). iIt’s for students A2+, who want to be more fluently and don’t want to focus on grammar.
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice3 years
Languages can teach
English, Slovak, Russian
Saint Petersburg State University, Modern teacher of Russian as foreign language.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 420 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Hanna Sytsko
Hanna Sytsko
Age: 24 years old
Vyučuji technickou češtinu na úrovni B1 s důrazem na profesionální slovní zásobu v oblastech chemie, fyziky a matematiky. Matematiku pro základní školu vyučuji s cílem připravit žáky na přijímací zkoušky po ukončení 9. třídy. V oblasti fyziky se snažím o interaktivní a zajímavý přístup, který podněcuje žáky k aktivnímu zapojení do učení.
  • Colleges from February 2024
  • Applied: 7 student(s)
  • Years of practice2 years
Physics, Czech, Russian, Mathematics
Languages can teach
ruština, čeština, angličtina
VŠCHT, Fakulta chemicko-inženýrská, Nano a mikrotechnologie v chemickém inženýrství.
The presence of teacher education Yes
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 300 CZK. / 60 min.
Fyzika: 350 CZK. / 60 min.
Teacher has granted certificates of education
Laylo Buranova
Laylo Buranova
Age: 22 years old
I am the teacher who will make something cool, terribly interesting and unreal out of boring studies.
  • Colleges from April 2024
  • Applied: 2 student(s)
  • Years of practice8 months
Biology, Russian, English, Environment, Mathematics
Languages can teach
Russian English
-, -, -.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
Matematika: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
Ekologie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Angličtina: 250 CZK. / 60 min.
ruština: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Biologie: 200 CZK. / 60 min.
Jana Krčková
Jana Krčková
Age: 40 years old
Izuchenie cheshskogo yazika vseh urovney (A1-S1). Podgotovka k ekzamenam dlya postupleniya v vuz. Razgorovniy kurs. Dolgosrochnie i intensivnie kursi. Specializirovannie kursi: delovoy, tehnicheskiy, dlya vrachey. Sovremennie cheshskie uchebniki v elektronnom vide. Individualniy podhod k kajdomu studentu. Pomosch i konsultacii v vibore vuza i podache dokumentov v vuzi (nostrifikaciya (priznanie) rezultatov EGE ili diplomov). Zaverenniy perevod vse dokumentov na cheshskiy s pechatyu.
  • Colleges from May 2024
  • Applied: 1 student(s)
  • Years of practice16 years
Czech, Russian
Languages can teach
ruský, český
vysokoškolské, UPOL, Filozofická fakulta, katedra rusistiky, překladatel.
vysokoškolské, UK, Filozofická, ÚČJTK, učitel českého jazyka jako cizího.
The presence of teacher education No
Place of employment Online
Prices from:
ruština: 600 CZK. / 60 min.
Český: 600 CZK. / 60 min.

Russian language has always been one of the most difficult languages, that is why learning it might take long time and effort.  Punctuation, orthographical, stylistic, speech and semantic moments – those are only a small part of the whole, which you need to learn, if you want to know the language on a really good level.

The language is one of the subjects, which is not always good to learn in school or groups, because studying with tutor might notice all your mistakes, focus on them and explain all difficulties.

Preparations for passing exams

Some people might need to do Russian language exasms. There are lots of aspects not only in the tests, but also in the writing tasks.

Even if you know punctuation, do not have mistakes in words – it is not a garantee that you will write the writing task good. There are lots of small details, which are better learnt  during the individual lessons.

Service My- tutor

There are lots of tutor on our website, so everyone in Czech Republic will be able to find a suitable tutor for Russian language lessons. The teachers diffrer from style, character, location or price.

Conditions and registration

The aim of our website is to be a tool of interaction between students and tutors in Czech Republic. Teachers fill in the form with information about them, students choose one of them.
We tried to make our website multifunctional: here you can find a tutor of any subject,from mathematics to ecology. The full list is available in the appropriate section. 
The website is translated to three languages: Russian,Czech, English – you can choose the language, which is suitable for you. There is a possibilty to register, not only for a teacher, but also for a student. We don’t ask money for our services. You can find a tutor for children and adults yourself, or with a help of our employees.

The need of tutor

The tutor might be needed in different situations : missed classes, gaps in knowlege, the wish to prepare for the exam. It is hardly possible to list all reasons.

  • The advantages of the lessons with a tutor is that it is individual. The teacher works only with you, not with a lot of students at once. This kind of program can be adjected according to your skills and knowledge.All gaps are being filled, but  you are not paying attention to the things that are known already. 
  • Sometimes only a tutor can help you to prepare for the university entrance exams.  Specific character of the entance exams can confuse even the talented student. A teacher can help to understand all details.  

The database for searching tutors

We are not this type of  a website, which allows every person to publish information about him. All applications are being checked. We check people’s education and teaching practice. Each teacher has to present the documents, that prove his education.
We have lots of teachers, so you can find a teacher in Prague and in another city in Czech Republic, according to the style, character or price of the tutor.  Just look at the options. Thank to the user-friendly option to sort the teachers according to the subject and the place of  studies, you will immediately find a teacher for you.
Good luck!

We invite tutors to register on our website

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